ch.22 Knock, Knock! Who's There?

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Ch:22: Knock, Knock. Who's There? start*

*Violet's POV*

Jacob and I had managed to clean up most of the mess. Along the way, Jacob said Billy called him to help with the preparations for the bonfire. I was both excited and nervous all at once. Jacob had told me that these stories would help me understand the whole "werewolf" thing the right way. Apparently, there were still things I had yet to learn. I was currently the only one in the house, so I figured that once I was done, I would get ready for the event. I looked over at the clock and it read 6:47 pm. I think I had enough time to get ready, no, I do have enough time.

I made my way over to my room and looked through the dresser for a few things I would need. I found the perfect outfit and I made my way over to the closet and searched for some foot wear. I settled on a pair of dark blue flip flops that had a yellow trim to them, they were perfect for the occasion. They matched my outfit and were right for the sand. I decided that since for once there was a somewhat warm breeze, I would pick up my hair. I placed my hair in a high ponytail with a pretty burette with a Daisy adorning the top, so it looked like there was just a flower near my left year holding back that side of my bangs. A plain bobby pin held the other side (remember she has bangs that go across her forehead). I didn't apply on any make-up and instead just got out a cherry flavored lip balm.

I looked outside and it was just getting dark out; the sun was just beginning to set. I went over to the oven and pulled out a delicious coconut cake I had backed earlier. I quickly went to work as I applied on the frosting to the cake. The boys hadn't tasted my cake besides Embry and maybe Seth and Leah, that is if Sue gave them any. She was the one that asked if I could bake a cake for her and the others. I was pretty sure three cakes would be enough for the whole bunch I just hope I can get them in the car and to the beach without dropping one. Jacob had given me the keys to his RABBIT since he would be running there.

I was almost done applying the final touches to the cakes when my cell phone went off. I picked it up and looked at the front of the scream. The number was private. I had kept the same phone that I have had for about a year, but I wasn't entirely stupid. I knew better than to keep my old number, I had used one that I had back from France, before I had broken my old phone. I was hesitant but answered.

"H...hello?" I asked, my voice quivering in anticipation.

"Violette?" now I was panicking.

"N-n-no.....I'm s.-sorry you have t-the wrong n-number" I stuttered, about to hang up. I had no intentions of finding out who was on the other line.

"It's okay, it's me Gen." I stopped myself from pressing the end dial. " this you?" I nodded, but then realized she could not see me.

"Yes...Gen, I told you not to call me...Alice...she can see and..." I started, getting nervous.

"I know...but that's the thing...she came here...earlier. She was here shopping at my store. She was looking for outfits for Bella and her... well so she says...are you ok?" I sighed.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"How amongst the wolves?"


"How so?" I could hear the edge to her voice. She sounded skeptical, and almost alarmed.

"It's just......I think I...I think I may love one of them."

"Oh la la! fatherare-vous sûr? Comment cela peut-être? Es-tu fou? Est-ce une autre de vos projets? Violet être rationnel! Peut-être votre peine, tout .... " I cut her off. (oh my! Are you sure? How can that be? Are you crazy? Is this another one of your schemes? Violet be rational! Maybe your just, just...)

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