The Wolves

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Ch 13: The Wolves*start*

Had he just said, Bella! Oh no! Oh no oh no oh no! Not Bella! She'll tell Ed and, wait. How does he know Bella. I thought the only friends she had from here where.... Jake. Jake! Jacob! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Of all the Jakes! Aww come on! The wolf. I had to like the wolf. So, does that mean the others are wolves? That explains the jokes, inside jokes, the hearing, all the mystery to them. What had I gotten myself into? I wanted to be CLOSE to the wolves. To feel protected as a human, but not THIS close. Great! The poor prey just went into the lions' den, well if you could really call me prey. And now Bella's coming! Shit! I'm dead...I'm dead I'm dead...I'm soooo dead! Billy noticed me acting strange.

"Is something wrong Violet?" I shook my head no.

"No head hurts." He nodded.

"So, Jake's told me a lot about you?" I winced when he said Jake. Man, I AM stupid! "I see you've gone through a lot. Jake has, too, you know?" I stopped my own thoughts to listen. Really? He looked like a happy go-lucky person.

"Really, how so?" I asked curiously. He sighed.

"Some things are better left for him to tell you." I knew he meant about Bella. Bella told me about how he felt towards her. That must have been who he was talking about on the phone when he called his dad. My heart twisted in agony and pain. I gripped it. It hurt a lot for some reason. I was questioning myself as to WHY it would. I only knew him for a day! ONE DAY! "Is something wrong Violet?" asked Billy worried. The others stopped to look at me.

"Why_let ok?" asked Claire as she took my face in her itty bitty hands. I nodded wincing as the pain began to stop. Now my head REALLY hurt. I contemplated my options as I thought about what I could do to get out of this situation. I couldn't fake faint or they would take me to the hospital, sending me directly home. I couldn't run, my heart wrenched at the thought. I couldn't fight them. Again, the pain in my heart. What to do?!

"Hey kiddo... You ok?" asked Jared. I nodded.

"Is it your head? When Jake gets back with Bella you could go home with them." said Emily. This wasn't helping. I nodded. I had no other choice. *sigh*

"I just need some sleep." I said in a whisper. Sam came up to me next to Emily who was kneeling in front of me.

"So much for a welcoming party huh?" He asked me. I was confused. He took notice. "This was a welcoming party for you. We wanted you to meet a few people from this rez, but you don't look too good." he said. The others instantly shouted.

"Welcome to the Pack, Violet!" The boys shouted along with Kim and little Claire. I winced. It was very kind of them but their booming voice hurt my head more. It also didn't help when you're their mortal enemy and they shout out 'Pack.'

"Fellas, settle down...Sam, why don't you take her to your place to rest? Meanwhile, we can discuss a few things." he was careful with his choice of words around me. Either way, Billy had saved me from a whole lot of trouble. "When Jake takes Bella back, we'll make sure to stop by for her. No point in throwing this for her if she's in pain. It was too early, anyways, as Jake said..." he replied, smiling at me. Early? Early for what? I shook it off as I was given a glass of water by Kim. I chugged it down. Sam nodded helping me stand.

"Can you walk to the house?" he asked and I nodded as I slightly swayed. Of all my years of ever walking as a human, that was THE most ungraceful maneuvering I had EVER done. I thought as I made my way over to the house.

That was one close call, but how many more will I be able to evade? How many more charades can I pull off? Soon, we arrived. As soon as my head hit the sofa's arm rest, I blacked out. Hello dark veil. I was not used to handling so much stress as a human. My body wasn't used to it so as a result, my body felt the need to MAKE me relax.

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