Bella this...Bella that

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*Violette's POV*

I didn't get much of a reprieve, since the second we made our way into the living room the questions began. 'Where did you go?' 'Did you have fun?' 'Did you bring me my stuff?' Like I said, many questions, but I wasn't in the mood to answer. 'Stupid Edward!' I thought in my head, only wishing he was here to read my mind. 'Like I'd ever let him read my mind ever again anyways' I continued with an audible humph. I must have been obvious I was sad since, seconds later, I instantly felt happy. I looked up to see many worried faces. I mouthed a 'thank you' to Jasper and he in turn gave me a sad smile back.

"Don't take it personal kiddo. It's just Bella's his girl. I'm sure you'll still be his number one." said Emmett who plopped next to me and rubbed my shoulders. I nodded my head.

"Well I'm tired!" a chorus of Awes were herd by everyone. "Sorry but I've just gotten used to the farce! You know, 'blend in' as Edward put it" I stated using air quotes. They nodded in understanding, and I took that as my queue to head up to my old room, desperate for some since of my normalcy. That, however, wasn't the case upon entering my room. I made a face, noticing that someone had gotten rid of my purple comforter and matching floor rug. "What happened to my room?" I asked not really angry, more so curious. Speaking of, whoever was in here got rid of my Curious George plushies!

"Oh, that would be Bella! We moved your things to another room on the west wing..." Alice answered as she watched me from the door frame. "Edward wanted Bella's bed next to his room." I made a face again.

'I don't think I'm going to like this Bella girl,' I thought to myself.

Once everything was settled with my new room, I headed for the bed. I was really tired, but the second I laid on the bed there was a knock on the door. I called out for them to come in; it was Rose. She entered and closed the door to my room gazing outside the balcony. My other room had a window like Edward's. I liked to get up with the sun and go for walks, but what could I do, I'd just walk out the front door now. Once Rosalie was done overlooking my new bedroom, she looked towards me and sat at the edge next to me.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Hunting. Jasper didn't want to take any chances, so... yeah" she trailed off. It wasn't like Rosalie to beat around the bush and the awkward silence was thick. I opened my mouth to start a conversation, but she beat me to the punch. "Listen about that girl, Bella......she's a human." the awkwardness was palpable.

"I figured that much Rose. I'm not stupid. I'm guessing I've been replaced." I was playing around but I laughed nervously. She made a face.

"I hate her!" she suddenly shouted. My eyes widened. Why would she hate her? "She's a threat to this family!"

"How so Rose? I figured she was Ed's sweet heart or something." she scoffed.

"Please!" She scoffed. "The girl's obsessed with him! She's willing to change for a stupid romance. She's an idiot." I could tell Rosalie was super mad. I didn't need Jasper's powers to know that much. She covered her eyes with her hands. "She has no idea how lucky she is! Being Mortal! She can do so much....yet she's willing to sacrifice it all for HIM!" she spat venomously. I suddenly grew angry.

"Rosalie Hale! Stop this instant. It's her decision; wouldn't you do the same for Emmett?" I heard her mumble a yes. "Besides I doubt Ed would ever do it!" I said smiling, thinking I'd convinced her.

"You don't get it," she suddenly whispered. "A while ago she was attacked by a rogue vampire, James. Alice saw her change; she says she still sees it. She has no idea how lucky she lucky you are..." I scoffed now enraged.

"You call me lucky," I said snidely. "Rose I was BORN a monster, I wasn't turned into something else, I was born that way," I paused as I tried to calm myself. "Throughout my travels I've yet to encounter a species such as my own" I whimpered out. "So if that's luck, I don't want it." I said firmly.

"You'll see, she's worthless" she seethed before continuing. "And, and...THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Was she deranged or something?

"MY FAULT?! HOW SO?! I JUST GOT HERE!" I shouted, confused.

"If you hadn't have left Edward wouldn't have felt the need to please you to get on your good side" she said matter of fact with a pout on her face. The both of us instantly began to laugh.

"Wow we're idiots......jinx...hey....stop you first...!" we shouted simultaneously and bursting into another fit of laughter.

"What's going on in here?" Asked the others as they emerged from the doorway. Me and Rose just looked at each other and laughed some more. The others soon smiled and laughed at our idiocy. As our episode progressed, I found myself holding my sides in both pain and laughter. It all soon died down into small giggles.

"Rest chere(dear)." ordered Esme. It was an order so I quickly obliged.

"Oui ma Mere. (yes my mother) I see you've been practicing French." She smiled.

"I've always known." she said winking and heading out as she shut the lights off. 

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