CH. 16 Great Heights

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Ch. 16: Great Heights*start*

*Edward's POV*

Bella was still moping around about Violette, like the rest of us. She was also trying to use that as an excuse not to have her graduation party. I was still a bit regretful towards the whole Violette subject. Slowly everything went back to the way things were supposed to be. Rosalie had gone to France on Tuesday to see Geneveve; she was due home today. Alice was also very worried as to why she couldn't see her.

Jasper would just assure her that my sister was indeed alive, that she was just using her powers to block out everyone else. I knew better, though; I knew she could only last so long against certain abilities. Yet, I still held onto that bit of hope that maybe she was using her brains to stay away. Maybe she kept an eye out on Alice to see when she would take a brake so that she too could. Then, when she had a vision of her trying again, she would automatically prevent her from doing so. Violette was a smart girl, maybe, just maybe, that's what she did.

"Edward? Come on. Rosalie's here." I snapped out of my own thoughts. I read Rosalie's thoughts and looked away. She directed every profanity known, towards me. Alice looked up and everyone ran with immense speed towards her.

"Rosalie! Rose? Did you find her? Is she ok?" Everyone attacked her with questions. I already read the answer in her mind and sighed. At least I knew she was alive, right? I spaced out after she began to speak, only listening in to their thoughts in case something important was brought up.

"I went, but... Violette wasn't with her... Gen said that Violette was alive and safe, but that she took an oath to not tell us where she went..." I flinched yet again at her thoughts. I could feel her glare on me the whole time. "She said she needed to think straight and that she needed somewhere to start fresh... Something bout tired of feeling like a selfish, little kid." She spat towards the end. Everyone's thoughts where swarmed with thoughts and feelings debating my sister's safety. My sister was of great value for her abilities, so the Volturi would hear about her and take her. That got me worried. I could tell it was running through Carlisle's thoughts as well. The Volturi thought she was a full-fledged vampire instead of the hybrid she was.

"If she didn't tell you, couldn't Edward go? He could just read her mind, no?" suggested Bella. My eyes snapped open and we all looked at her. Everyone was contemplating this idea. However, Rosalie's thoughts were sure to put aside my enthusiasm and soon that of the others.

"I tried telling her that we would just make her tell us by force." She said, angered now. Jasper immediately calmed her down.

"Rosalie! You shouldn't have threatened her!" exclaimed Esme.

"I didn't... The girl just used her transportation to get away. She said that even if Edward did get here, she'd catch on to his scent and be gone without a trace of her scent for miles." I sighed.

"She's right...I can only read minds at a certain would be a futile attempt."

"Come on! Everyone, cheer up! At least she's alive! Violette is smarter than that! I know! Bella, are you ready for your graduation?" asked Alice happily. Bella groaned. The others were in their own little world thinking about where Violette could be.

"Not now, Alice... There's still a few weeks before that..." I said. She frowned and I led Bella to the car to take her back home.

*Violet's POV*

Jacob and I had gotten really close over the last couple days. I was now beginning to come to the conclusions that I, Violette. I mean, Violet Masson, had a crush on Jake. The last few days and nights were spent at his house just talking and fooling around. I never, ever, confronted him about the truth whether he was a shape shifter or not. What was the point? What would will me to ask such a question, when I alone, cannot admit what I am. Like I said, I really liked Jacob and did not want to ruin my chances with him or his "pack".

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