The 'Other' Cullen

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Ch. 7: The 'Other' Cullen*start*

This school seemed pretty average. Gossip girls, sluts, jealous chicks, jocks, preps... drooling pigs...I mean guys. Seriously though, can their thoughts be any louder? All I was getting from the girls so far were things like 'she better stay away from my man', 'I'm so jealous of her *insert random thing here*,', 'next school slut'...oh that one was nice.

I had passed a girl with dark hair, glasses and a camera in hand thinking that I looked like a nice person to talk to. I smiled towards her, but the boy standing next to her practically melted thinking I was looking at him. I sighed at his thoughts, annoyed. Speaking of guys, one word, disgusting. Let's just say it all involved 'ravishing me', 'going on a date, or 'Please don't have a boyfriend!' The last one was kind of funny cause I didn't. I sighed in relief as I saw the attendance desk as I neared the glass doors. I smiled at her politely.

"Hello," I said. The middle-aged woman looked up with a 'what now!' look, but looked at me shocked. I read her thoughts. 'Wow. I wish my skin looked like that. She looks like she could be a model. Seems too young to be one though' I frowned in my head. Why does everyone assume I am so young? I could pull off being 17!

"Y-yes? M-may I help you?" I smiled again and nicely asked her,

"Um...I was just enrolled here. My father is Carlisle Cullen. My name is Violette Elizabeth Mason Cullen. I'm a...sophomore. I was told by my brother to get my schedule here." I said smiling at her, showing my teeth." I could see she now understood.

'Figures she was the other Cullen they sent... Are all of them that good looking? Even this one and she's fairly young...At least this on seems normal'. I felt offended, but that's what I get for listening in on her private thoughts. Or anyone's thoughts for that matter.

"Here you go Miss Cullen. Just have all you teachers sign this; at the end of the day, stop by and put it in the bin that says attendance. It's to make sure you've situated yourself quiet well in this school." She told me. She smiled as I said thank you. I looked over my schedule.

1st per: Home Economics room: 202

2nd per: Algebra II Honors room: 705

3rd per: Study Hall room: Library

4th per: P.E room: gym

5th per: Biology Honors room: 134

6th per: Study Hall room: library

7th per: English Lit Honors room: 207

8th per: French II room: 115

"Great the dumb schedule doesn't even say when's break." I sighed.

"Hey there, kiddo." Emmett! Before I could react, he snatched my schedule. " got advance courses. Didn't Carlisle tell you to bring it down a notch?"

"I know...but I couldn't help it..." I bit my lip. At least this way I won't die of boredom as much." He just sighed handing it to me.

"Breaks are after every Study Hall. Seems like you got class with Rose and Alice 1st... Study Hall with all of us which means break too...I think Jasper Alice, Edward, Bella 2nd ... you got P.E with Bella...Bio and French no one...Study hall... all of us again, yes!" he muttered on as he overlooked my schedule. "And 7th with Edward and Bella," he finalized, giving the paper back to me.

I hugged him jumping to cling to his neck. He looked around laughing as the others watched my PDA thinking I was here to steal Emmy. Ewww!!! He patted my back, "No prob. Look, here comes Rose, she'll take you to class." I nodded and she went straight to Em to quiet the whispers of the others to assure them that things weren't always what they seem.

Uncompatible Love*Jacob Black Love Story*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt