Chapter 60 - See You Later

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Chapter 60 – See You Later

The first week as first-time parents was interesting to say the least. As a hybrid, I thankfully didn't need sleep. However, it was something I'd always enjoyed, especially after having met Jacob. Actually, it was something I seriously needed. A chance at a pause, and a reset to come the next day. With twins? You didn't get that. It's like they took turns on when one was up and when the other slept. Paul, in all his annoyed sarcasm, had compared my kids to the moon and the sun.

Both children woke up routinely for their regular feeding every 3 hours. Aria tended to give quiet whimpers when she was hungry. Logan? Logan wanted the whole household to know he was hungry; shrieking and wailing so loudly that I swore he could rival Vance. However, if Aria was bored and wanted attention, she tended to project. No, she wasn't audibly vocal, but she most definitely knew how to get into Mommy's head, and I wondered if that was her ability. Regardless, I'd instantly know she wanted attention when the headaches would come. She tended to be a lot more alert at night, my little moon child. Loga on the other hand, was up at the crack of dawn, always the first to wake up the household. He didn't much like being picked up though.

We'd been very careful when allowing our human company hold the children. Always with a werewolf present, just in case. Seth's finger had healed quickly, thankfully, but we did not need the humans going through that. I always asked the girls to have their hair pulled back and nothing dangly that they could reach for. Poor Billy lost a small bit of hair in Aria's death grip and now that was a lesson learned. However, strangely, it only ever happened once and she never did it again.

Jacob and I had discussed it, but other than not being able to speak, I was certain that she was already learning at an accelerated rate similar to myself. I still found it so curious how they looked like any normal week-old infant. I wish Carlisle was here so he could advise me on whether or not I had a similar growth. Nessie, after a week, had already been the size of a one-year-old. If it hadn't been for Logan's incredible strength, he would even pass for a human infant. Or so I had thought.

Jaco swears he'd feed Logan the same amount as Aria, but I saw him feed him twice myself. When I went to question him, he said he could have sworn he was supposed to be feeding Logan more. I'd asked him on several occasions to just feed him the one bottle and we would monitor the kids. He said he would and then it happened again, this time with Paul, who was roped into helping by Rachelle. I had just seen him walk to the fridge to fetch the other bottle that I'd just put in after pumping. It took a second, but I got his attention and he looked confused at why I'd stopped him. Worried by his dazed state, I went to take Logan from him and that's when I noticed. There was a gurgling Logal, with glowing eyes that slowly dimmed and went back to normal.

It took some digging, but it wasn't until he tried it on me, that I confirmed it. He was persuading us to feed him more. The only sign, being the subtle glow of his eyes, similar to when the sun reflects off the lens of one's eyes. Knowing that it worked on Aria, I tried to let him know he couldn't do that. It worked, partially. While Paul refused to try to feed Logan again, I couldn't test the theory. However, Logan never tried it again with myself or Jacob. However, he began to try it with anyone new that would try to feed him. A quick, light talking to was al he'd need to know not to do that again. Not that he wouldn 't proceeds to wail and cry as a result.

It was amazing seeing in just that one week how amazing they were. I thought it was my powers that allowed me to connect with Aria, but Jacob said he could feel her content and happiness when he held her or fed her. He said he could tell what she was curious about when something new would happen. A nice sight or sound would instantly get her attention. I think it was that ability of hers that even let Jacob loosen up about Seth a little. He allowed him around more, only allowing him to hold the children under his watchful eye. I looked forward to getting to learn more and more about them, but I knew that to do that, we had pressing matters to tend to.

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