Chapter 55 - The Left Behind

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AN Sorry guys but I've been having to look for a new job and things have been hectic. Will have another chapter out this week.... maybe another 2 :) 

Chapter 55 – The Left Behind

*Violet's POV*

It didn't take long for our plans to quickly unravel. After the revelation that the Volturi were, in fact, planning to make their way here to terminate us, my family quickly came up with a plan to round up friends who could witness and testify on our behalf. The details of this plan were left foremost to my brother, father and mate, while I continued to get sick. This horrible news had clearly resulted in a severely stressful environment, which resulted in my health's decline. Jacob had insisted that I "relax' while they went over the details, leaving me severely upset. As a result, I childishly ignored him when it came for him and I to sleep.

There was so much I could do to help. Preventatively, I could find people faster than they ever could. If more dire measures were needed, offensively, I knew I was more than just formidable in a fight. However, none of that mattered while I was pregnant. I placed my hand over my belly, partially wishing my children would come sooner, and yet wishing I could take them far, far away.

Today, Jacob and some of my family were going to split up to round up our known comrades to persuade them in helping us detour the Volturi. Everyone was busy going over the plan they formulated just yesterday while I helped pack Jacob's bag and handed it to him. I looked up into his eyes as he took the pack from me and slung it on. My hand over my belly, I leaned forward to bring him down to my height and give him a kiss.

"Please," I begged him, sorrow and worry evident in my voice. "Please be careful, Jacob." I heard him gulp, his own worry and hurt wafting over me. "I can't lose you," I sniffled. He dropped the backpack and pulled me in as hard as he could without harming our kids.

"It's going to be okay, you'll see." I just nodded, not leaving his embrace, and taking a big whiff to memorize his scent. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I'll be here before this kids. I'm not missing their birth, I promise." I just nodded again, knowing that if I spoke, I'd burst into tears and beg him to just stay by my side.

"Carlisle... are you sure I'm the one that should stay with them?" Jacob and I turned to look at Bella inquietly. Bella and Rosalie were dubbed the ones to stay behind with me and Renesmee. "What if she goes into premature labor?" I hadn't thought of that. I'd seen that Rose couldn't perform an emergency C-section if needed, must less Bella with the smell of blood going to be literally pouring out of me.

"Sshe, she's right... I don't know if I can be of help..." I felt Jacob tense at their words, I tore my gaze away from my sisters to stare at him and found him looking at me worriedly.

"We won't be long. Three days at most is planned before Esme and I return back home. Violet," he signaled for me and I basically had to drag Jacob along with me, from how tensely he held onto me. "How are you feeling?" I just shrugged and muttered a small 'fine,' not wanting to worry them.

"She kept waking up last night to puke." Jacob spoke behind me. I just looked down.

"Yes, I heard that, but at this moment, how are you feeling?" I let out a loud sigh.

"I don't know, as expected? I feel angry, I feel frustrated, tired, worried."

"Irritable." I shot Emmette a look, watching as his smirk fell before clearing his throat and going back to packing his own knapsack.

"I'll go ask Jasper if he can help with your moods." I rolled my eyes at Carlisle's comment, regretting the attitude I was showing him instantly, yet still feeling it justified. "I'd like to perform one last checkup before I leave, but I'm certain we'll be back before anything happens. We have Alice after all. Excuse me." He patted my head and went to walk around me to look for Jasper. I felt hands wrap around my legs and I saw a sad Renesmee look up at me.

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