Ch. 50 Thump

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Chapter 50: Thump

*Violette's POV*

I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with Seth. I tried to be as gentle as I could, but the reality was, I knew there was someone out there for him, and it wasn't me. I didn't want to have that conversation, but knew it was inevitable. He had to know that love him as I might, I wasn't in love with him, and I never could be. I wanted to maintain our friendship, I did. I let him know it was his choice. We would do whatever he was okay with.

I was fully prepared for any rebuttal he might have had, but the poor boy had already resigned himself. The amount of sorrow wafting from him was overwhelming, it nearly knocked me off my feet. I tried to reach for him, pet his fur and snout like I'd grown accustomed to, but had hesitated. He had sensed my reservations and leaned his muzzle into my open palm. Despite the sorrowful whines that came from him, he had no anger or ill thought for me.

Instead, he comforted me and told me he would be happy just to see me happy and see me better. I found my eyes begin to well up with tears, but I blinked them away, opting instead to smile and kiss his wet nose. I couldn't believe how selfless someone so young could be. The amount of sadness, longing, love, kindness that came wave after wave, crashing into me was becoming too much. I tried to respond to the young wolf pup, letting him know that nothing would make me happier than to continue to see him and his sister around the manor.

The emotions had become too overwhelming and I tried to make things easier on me by pushing Jasper's ability away, shutting it off. I must have done more than that, since I felt all the energy in my body leave me, Seth's thoughts and emotions having gone silent altogether. I tried to right myself, but the world had started spinning and I found myself going down. I could faintly hear Seth's yapping, it still ringing in my ears even now as I ate in my room across from Jacob. I lifted my head to stare at Jacob's portion, thinking he would be long since done and waiting on me to get more, but I was mistaken. He had hardly even taken a few bites. I looked at my own plate and realized I'd only ate a spud or two.

"Mmm.... good taters." I tried to joke, smiling at him as I took another bite. I stared at him after I was done chewing, him staring back. "Not good?" I asked, motioning my fork to his plate. He just blinked and looked down, starting to eat. I let out a silent sigh of relief. I was hoping he wouldn't bring up anything right now. I don't think I had the mental or emotional capacity right now. I looked down at my plate, the food really did smell good. I tried to focus on eating, one bite and then another and another. Before I knew it, I was done. I heard chuckling come from Jake.

"I don't think I've ever seen you eat that fast, that a half vampire fairy thing?" I pouted, fake glaring at the fairy comment.

"No.... but cut a girl some slack, I haven't been eating!" I chuckled. It must have reminded him of my health since he suddenly became sullen. He reached for my hand before I could stand to sit on his lap.

"Why don't I.... get us some more, yeah? Think you can stomach it?" I was just about to object, when I felt my stomach grumble, causing me to chuckle nervously. "I'll take that as a yes." he smirked at me. I rolled my eyes, but thanked him as he walked off with our plates. I sighed and looked around my room, trying to make out the sounds around the room.

My brother and his family weren't in the home, most likely in their cottage. I heard the girls mention something about going to Port Angeles, I had declined so they left while I was eating, not that they could partake in the meal. The boys, had stayed to boast about their cooking skills before opting to go out for a run. I looked towards the outside, expecting to see just the beauty of the darkening forest. Instead, I stared at a pair of sad eyes, suddenly spotting a wagging tail. I smiled, going to stand and make my way to him. I saw Leah's silvery frame suddenly appear behind him, biting onto his tail and causing him to yelp before turning to growl at his sister. It made me laugh softly, watching as they started rough housing.

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