Ch.37: Feeling Better?

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Chapter 37: Feeling Better?

*Violet's POV*

Currently I was in Jacob's small bed. He was asleep on me again. This time I was laying all the way back, his head on my stomach and his good arm draped over my waist. Somehow, he got like that and I wasn't going to wake him up, that is until I could hear a car coming up to the small house followed by two sets of steps. It had been about two weeks since the fight already, Jacob was recovering well. And sure, the first week was killer, having to straighten Jacob's mending bones wasn't easy, but now they were properly aligned and healing well. I got out of bed and picked up Jacob's head. Jacob just groaned in response and blinked a few times before scratching his head with the arm that wasn't completely wrapped in bandages. He looked at me before mumbling a good morning, I was already up and out of bed.

"Good morning sleepy." I kissed his lips and walked to the door in time to open the door for Carlisle, Edward came in as well. They both smiled at me, Billy wheeling himself in. Jacob sat up, straightening himself. Now the wolves and vampires where officially friends. Sort of. They were all thankful for all the help and attention my father had given Jacob. Although Jacob was the only one who still had a not-so-secret grudge against my brother, Edward.

"Hello, Violette." I nodded at my adoptive father as he gave me a peck on the cheek as his greeting, hands filled with two medical bags. Next Edward came and gave me a small hug, greeting me as well. I moved out the door, with Edward so Billy could come in instead. I waited by the door frame with Edward.

"How are you, Jacob." asked Carlisle, a sincere smile plastered onto his face. Jacob sat up higher on the bed gingerly and carefully, minding his ribs.

"Good. I have my awesome nurse to thank." He winked at me, I just blushed and awkwardly looked at Edward who tried to restrain a growl. I didn't want to know if Jacob was showing Edward our make-out sessions through his mind. Or the damn massages that Jacob always asked for. What? It wasn't like I could deny him anything in his condition. Carlisle looked at me, not knowing the double meaning behind Jacob's words since they weren't meant for him to know, but for Edward.

"That's good. I always knew she'd make a great medic. I keep insisting she become a doctor, but she never applies herself to it, thinking she's not ready." he smiled at me. It seemed he forgot about the ruse I had been trying to keep up with these days. Billy cleared his throat, an eyebrow raised.

"Well, she does seem too young, isn't it a little too early to be putting such pressure on a young girl her age? Already you want her to work by your side?" Carlisle looked at me and just turned to Billy, nodding, a small smile on his lips. For some reason I knew I had to keep my guard up especially when around Billy. I knew he was that little boy I had met when I ran into the old pack leader on my own. Whether or not Billy remembered me, I wasn't sure, but I was in no way going to just waltz right up to him and ask him directly. Carlisle got to work immediately removing the bandages and inspecting Jake's bones. He smiled.

"Well, good news. Everything seems to be in order. You won't have to stay in bed anymore, I just wouldn't shift for another week or two and no sudden movements." Jacob smiled at me before winking, Edward growled again stepping up in front of me.

"He said no sudden movements." Edward growled and Jacob smirked, once again I could only imagine what Jacob had in mind behind that smirk of his. Our parents looked at one another, not aware of what was going on. Billy cleared his throat and spoke.

"Thanks Doc. We really owe you." said Billy sincerely.

"No problem, it's the least we can do." smiled Carlisle before leaving.

"Will you walk us to the door Violette?" asked Edward. I looked at Jacob, almost asking, and he nodded. I did walk them out the door, closing it behind my back.

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