Chapter 59 - Misdirected

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Chapter 59 – Misdirected

*Jacob's POV*

"That's where your head's at right now?" I tried hard to reign in my anger, but knew it was evident in my tone. "You just had our babies. You have our daughter in your arms. But your thoughts are on how you're ready to go off to war?" I seethed, turning to look at her directly. She met my gaze head on, unwavering.

"Yes. My mind is on my family. My thoughts are on how I can help make sure they're safe in the long run and what the best way to do that is. And guess what, Jacob. My kind, for as long as they can live, they aren't tolerable people outside of their own kind. If I can make sure my kids are safe by entering this war, I will." I glared at her.

"You don't even have full control of yourself right now! You struggled to get a read on infants, Vie!" I saw her scoff.

"You're one to talk. The first thing I expected to see was my loving mate by my side with our babies, not you at Seth's literal throat, Jacob. Seems to me, the one that can't control themself, is you." It was my turn to scoff.

"That's not the same thing," I grumbled as I looked away.

"Then please do enlighten me." she quietly hissed back at me. This whole time, both of us trying to keep our clearly angry tones down as to not wake the snoozing twins.

"You'd have done the same if you knew!" I ground out.

"But I don't! So, tell me! I've told you to lay off of him, Jacob. He's been a good friend to you AND me." I glared at her.

"I don't want to ever see him near you OR Aria. Ever. Again." I enunciated, pausing after every word at the end to make my point clear.

"That's freaking insane, Jacob! Seth is in your pack! He's honestly become one of my best friends while YOU were away. He stood on YOUR side when it came to protecting MY family. What is your grievance with him?" She groaned out, rolling her eyes. I was sure mine showed my hurt as I looked down. "I'm not throwing a dig at you, Jacob. I just.... what happened that led to that?" Her voice softened at the end. I could see she didn't mean it the way I initially thought, judging by the shine in her eyes, letting me know she was fighting back tears of sympathy as she tended to do.

"You've been in such a mood. I can't control my powers at whim," I gave her a pointed look at that. "Yet!" She enunciated as quietly, but energetically as she could. "But despite that, I could still feel the hostility rolling in waves off of you the second I saw you outside." I rolled my eyes. "You were ready to seriously hurt him," she finished in a pained whisper. I kept my eyes on my son, then moving them to stay on my daughter. The both of us where quiet for a bit, I was just trying to collect my thoughts after listening to her.

"He was my friend. For a while, he was even my beta when I left on my own..." I started, still staring intently at the blanket wrapped around my little girl's body as it continued to move up and down with her little breaths. "It," I paused before continuing. "Pisses me off," I ground out, "that he was there for you when I wasn't." I paused, sighing and looking up at her. "For a while, his affections for you were a slap in the face that I let someone else get that close to you, when it should have always been me." I saw her do her best to reach for my hand from her spot. I got closer to her to make it easier for her to grab my hand.

"But it IS you NOW." She smoothed her thumb over my own. "And it'll be you and me, US, from here on out." she smiled to me. I just shook my head at her, my eyes downcast to my little girl. "Jacob," she groaned. "Why are you being so stubborn on this?"

"That asshole," I spat out, before trying to calm myself when I felt Logan shift a little. "You can read people's thoughts and emotions when you want. Shut it on and off at will. WE can't. Not when we're wolves. What one knows, the whole pack knows. I had to live with that connection knowing what he felt for you." She looked down. "And I know that's not on you, but I'm pissed at him." I seethed. "Because this whole time," I felt my nostrils flare and my breathing increase. Voicing my thoughts aloud was only upsetting me all the more, reliving my initial anger when I first understood why he was looking at my little Ari like that.

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