ch. 20 Loyalties, Decisions, & Hostility

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Ch. 20: Loyalties, Decisions, & Hostility*start*

*Bella's POV* (after Violet & Bella talk @ the store)

Was I really not going to say anything? Was I really going to test my loyalty towards Edward? I had to tell him; he had a right to know about the wellbeing of his sister. Edward had been so miserable lately. Oh, and the others! They would all be thrilled to know that Violette was close all along. Would they overreact once they realized just where she was? More so, whom she was with?

The wolves would kill her in a second if they knew what she was, why would she put her life in danger? Edward would be furious if he found out I was hiding this from him. And the others? What would they say? They would be disappointed in my decision; I was certain of that. Oh, and Rosalie! Oh, Rosalie would certainly not take kindly to this secret; she already disliked me and questioned my trusts and loyalties. This would just give her more reason to believe so. Wouldn't she corrupt the others?

On the other hand, Violette did seem to be telling the truth. Was she with Embry? Oh no! Maybe he imprinted on her! Is that possible?! Could a werewolf really fall in love with its mortal enemy? Then again it wouldn't surprise me; so many strange things already took place. Why would it be so hard to believe, anyways? Had I, the human, not fallen in love with Edward, the vampires and vice versa? Maybe it was possible, I know love is blind, but I'm pretty sure the scent will still be pretty potent. Or can they not smell her?

Come to think of it, I don't think Embry knew what Violette was. At the store he called out Violet. Didn't Violette mean Purple or Violet in French? I think it did. Maybe she hasn't revealed her whole identity to the La Push werewolves. The Cullens always spoke about how strong Violette could really be. Apparently, she could be a large threat if she wanted to be. Her ability to manipulate powers allowed her many advantages in battle. Although, would they all really work on the wolves?

She could not use the gift of site that she acquired from Alice on them which was her upper hand, but what other abilities had she learned to control? Could she maybe even stop the werewolves from shifting, was that even a power for the wolves? Violette seemed so fragile; she looked like the peaceful type. I just couldn't see her as a fighter, let alone partaking in an act of war. Would it really come down to that though, a war, if they find out the truth that is?

Jacob told me about imprinting once. How it was so strong and powerful and it bounded the couple together. He also told me that the imprint could not be harmed, or else the wolf was allowed to kill who ever had committed the crime. Something about it hurting the whole back in the end because of the pain and suffering it caused the wolf. Would Embry imprinting on Violette save her life enough not to start this war? I hope so, because if I plan on going along with my decision, Violette will need all the protection she can get.

I have decided not to tell Edward, yet at least. Violette disserved a chance to explain herself. She was somewhat right and she deserved to be treated like an adult. I look at her and I see this young...child. I had to constantly remind myself that she was my elder. She had more experience in life; maybe I should trust her judgment. Besides, if she has found someone, as she claims, then she deserves this. It must have been hard all this time for her. Seeing all her brothers and sisters being happy. Carlisle and Esme, Rosalie and Emmett, Alice and Jasper and now me and Edward. Why shouldn't she be entitled to her own happiness? *sigh* I'll let her explain. Tomorrow the real test begins though. I will have to see just how good I am at lying. I wasn't really lying to Edward though, was I? I was simply keeping the truth from him. Right? *sigh* Tomorrow begins a new day and new problems. I'll just have to see how things go.

*Next Day*

I woke up kind of stiff. I didn't exactly have a good night's sleep since I had constant dreams, contemplating the pros and cons of these events and what the results could be. I had a dream that a war broke loose because Violette was killed, causing the deaths of all those mythical, that I cared for. I had another dream of how Violette, or Violet, elopes with Embry having super kids, Edward then finds out, killing Embry causing yet another war. Either way all my dreams ended in a bloody battle of Vampires versus Werewolves.

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