Ch. 47: bleed it out

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Ch. 47: bleed it out

*Seth's POV* 2 weeks later

"I can't believe how stupid Black's being!" My sister growled out. We had been at this for a month and a half now. The both of us would try to convince Jacob to go see Violet, but the jerk just wouldn't go. He was hell bent on staying mad at her. He was stuck on his mindset that Violet had betrayed him and had himself convinced that she forced the imprinting. "He has to be the stupidest guy I know at this point, Jesus! Asshole won't even let me show him just how bad things have gotten!"

Leah was right, things had gotten bad in the Cullen Mansion. Right as Bella was waking up, Violet had fallen seriously ill. She was bed ridden all the time and Carlisle had no idea as to what the hell was going on. She could no longer switch between her forms, and Carlisle's machines couldn't see through Violet's thick skin. We were all worried about her, her body looked like it was fighting itself and trying to kill her, but she didn't care anymore. It made me want to cry, and just thinking about it brought tears into my eyes. After just a couple of months I came to the sad conclusion that I had fallen in love with my best friend's imprint. I couldn't explain it, but I felt like I needed to protect her and make sure she was as happy as I could make her.

"Seth? Seth are you even listening to me?!" My sister screeched, bringing me out of my own thoughts. I shook my head and nodded. She groaned and then frowned. "Don't go there, baby brother. She already has a soul mate, don't hurt yourself by trying, Seth." I just frowned and looked away, crossing my arms.

"Why not? Jacob isn't going to come around, Leah. Violet needs help; I could help her! Even Edward said it! I'm the only one that makes her happy now! I'm the only one that can get her to eat anything! Maybe, maybe if I got her to fall in love with me, I could fix her! Carlisle says he can't see what's wrong with her, that it might just be psychological! Well maybe that's true!" I defended my case. She just sighed.

"You shouldn't butt in Seth." Embry popped up out of nowhere, butting in himself. I scoffed.

"No one was talking to you, Embry." I sulked.

"She's already spoken for; we need to concentrate on helping them back together. Jake's not doing too good himself. If you keep at this, you'll just push them apart more, kid." I growled.

"I'm not a kid! And, and we've tried! Jacob is just being an idiot now! He doesn't care about her!" I huffed.

"Have you gone to personally go see him yourself lately, Seth?" I looked at him when I heard the crack in his voice. I looked at my sister who looked to the ground sadly. What was wrong with Jacob? "He's falling apart, Seth. He doesn't eat. Unless Billy is literally forcing him to eat, he doesn't eat. He hasn't shifted since the fight; he hasn't gone out at all. We know he disappears into the forest for a while or to the beach or the cliffs for a while, comes home and just sleeps. The only reason he hasn't wasted away is cause the werewolf genes won't let him." I looked away. I knew I should be helping, but a selfish part of me really did think I could help Violet out, myself.

"Seth, we need everyone's help if we're going to save them. I think they're dying without each other." I looked at my sister, my own eyes filling with tears. I really had fallen in love with Violet. I couldn't explain it and I know it was selfish of me but I didn't want to help Jacob because then I wouldn't get my chance to be happy. What was happening to me?

"He hurt her; he doesn't deserve her." I told them firmly.

"And who are you to decide that, huh? He's your friend, Seth." Quil came from behind me now, butting in. Okay, what was going on?

"Look Seth, we were talking to Leah. We just came back from Jake's and we agreed we need to get those two back together." Embry admitted.

"She's pack too, even if she's different, and we look out for pack. We just gotta convince the other idiots of that, too." Quil continued, I scoffed.

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