A/N: LaurenLove18 wrote a wonderful section for this chapter! Please be sure to read her stories! They're amazing! 💜
505 East 74th Street (Manhattan, NYC)
(Friday, August 3rd)
"I'm so tired!" Leia yelled. She ran upstairs to her bedroom and I couldn't help but laugh. I took off my shoes and dropped my bag.
"Bella!" Mom yelled as I plopped myself onto the couch upstairs.
"No one call me, I have like 2 weeks worth of shows to catch up on."
"You better come and pick this bag up." A week ago I would've been excited to see/talk to Jake, but because of our argument I wasn't feeling that way anymore. I haven't told any of my friends about it, so I'm here internally battling with myself about what I should do. I sighed as I flicked through the tv channels. Usually he'd give me show suggestions. My phone went off.
"Jake?!" I whispered.The Girlies 💜💋:
Paisley: Are you homeeeeeeee I wanna take u to this boba place
Hannah: I hope you ARENT home! We're loving your doggies!!Oh. Right. I have friends.
Me: Yesssss and you won't be loving them much longer! I can't wait to see Acey and Ry! My sons 🥺
Hannah: noooooo! Ugh! You've given us doggy fever. I think we're getting a new dog after this.
Paisley: isn't that a good thing! But Bella when do you wanna go??
Sapphire: I heard boba and puppies what did I miss?
Penelope: yeah what did we miss??
Me: Where is it?? And trust me u didn't miss a thing
Paisley: Lexington and 63rd
Me: then let's go rn!
Paisley: yessss is everyone here busy??
Sapphire: no, I can come rn!
Juliette: why do u guys do these things when I'm on vacation ☹️"Aww poor Jules." I laughed. I texted back before going downstairs.
"Mom? Dad?" Only Noah was downstairs.
"Where did they go?"
"I think they're upstairs." So I ran back upstairs and knocked on their bedroom door.
"Mooom?? Daaad?"
"What is it?"
"Can I come in?"
"Bella, just tell us what you have to tell us."
"Can I hang out with the girls? We're going to 63rd street-"
"Yes, yes go. Just be back before it's dark."
"Okay. Thanks." As I put back on my shoes I thought; that was easier than expected.
"Sooo, how was the trip?" Hannah asked.
"It was good....for the most part."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Paisley asked. We grabbed our drinks and sat outside.
"Things got a bit sour when we hit Pennsylvania."
"What happened."
"Remember back in sixth grade, 7th, whenever it was, I talked to Brayden for a bit?"
"Yeah, that didn't last very long."
"We'll Jake caught wind of it and you know how fucking annoying Brayden is, he's making it seem like we were actually together when it never reached that far. I think he's upset that I'm with Jake now."
"And Jake won't believe you?" Sapphire asked. I nodded.
"I've tried explaining to him the situation but he won't listen and he's making me seem like a liar and I'm being secretive. That's literally not even the case though. I just....didn't mention it because it wasn't serious and there wasn't a need to at the moment."
"Why isn't he taking your word for it though? He saw the way Brayden was on senior trip, he's desperate for you. He caught wind of the fact that you guys are together and he's trying to break you up."
"Thank you! That's what I'm trying to say. You know what, what was I thinking? I'm not built for this shit."
"Okay, okay, hold on. Let's not jump-"
"I'm getting tired of this."
"You need to talk to Jake in person. Not over the phone, not over text. It's just gonna make shit worse. You explain to him everything this on last time, and if he's still not listening we can go from there. How does that sound?"
"I'll try it."
"Good, so text him and ask him when he's free to meet up."
"Can I just do this when I get home?"
"We could but I think we all know that if you don't do it with us watching it'll never get done." I groaned.
"I hate this."
Our Bedroom (Olivia's Perspective)
Elliot has been off for a few days now. He's been heading to bed early, not really eating and he's just quiet. I was fed up of him shutting me out. "Mommy?" Leia ran towards me.
"Hi sweetie. Are you ok?" She nodded.
"I was just playing with my toys in the living room and watching the rain outside." Giving her a hug, she smiled. A tear then dropped down my cheek.
"What's wrong Mommy?" I smiled at her.
"I just feel a bit sad, but I'll be ok. Would you like to go and get ready for your shower? Clean up first though." She ran off to do that as I cleaned up the kitchen. Bella was out with friends and Noah was chilling in his room. When Elliot was acting like this, it affected the entire household. As Leia followed me upstairs, she went into her bedroom to get her pyjamas out. I peeped my head through our bedroom door. Elliot was sat on our bed.. just staring.
"Hey. Are you alright?" Silence was all I recieved. "Look.. what is wrong? You've been quiet for days. Leia has just asked if I'm ok as I cried earlier." Sitting on the bed, he glanced at me.
"Something is bothering you Ell." He then told me everything.
"I'm upset that Kathy is engaged ok?" That shocked me. He's upset? Am I not enough for him?
"I feel so bad because you're the love of my life and I'm still stuck thinking about the mother of my children." I hugged him tightly. I loved him so much. "I can understand that it must hurt babe." He then expressed how guilty he felt.
"I feel bad because we've built this amazing life together and I'm not being honest with you." What if he still has feelings for Kathy? I knew that the first thing I did to deflect was to tell him to just leave.. but we had bigger things in our life now. Bella, Eli, Leia and Noah could not be affected by this. He was my husband.
"Look, I can understand that you loved her first.. think about it this way. She's the mother of your children, you are both moving on with your lives and you're happy." He settled down a bit. I kissed him.
The Family Room (Bella's Perspective)I know that we've been arguing and everything but I'm home now. Would you like to meet up and talk?
"How are you supposed to enjoy Hell's Kitchen if you're staring into your phone every two seconds?!"
"I'm sorry that I have a life." He looked at my screen and Hannah just so happened to text at the same time.
"Hey, mind your own!" I tucked my phone away and sipped some boba. Noah eyed me suspiciously.
"Are you and Jake a thing?"
"I'm not even going to answer your question." He gasped.
"So when you left the party you were doing some sketchy shit like I thought. Why didn't you tell me?!!"
"Because. Did you tell me that you were dating Morgan right away?"
"Fair. Mom and Dad know?" I shook my head and he understood.
"Got it. I like him. He's cool."
"I thought you didn't like him."
"Well to be fair I didn't like any guy that you had a crush on."
"That's true."
"You guys okay?"
"Yeah, we are." I lied.
"Cool. Just let me know if I have to beat him up."
"Sure. Noah shut up and press play please."
"Thanks for making dinner, Bell. It was lovely." Mom hugged me.
"Okay, Mom. Uhhhh..." Mom started to cry a bit.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just want to remind you that I love you so much and I am incredibly proud of the young woman that you're becoming." I nodded.
"And that.....you, your brother, and your sister, you guys are the reason that I'm living." She sounds really sad, is she okay?
"Mom, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm just a bit emotional today. Go on." She went into the freezer and grabbed some ice cream. Maybe she's PMS'ing? I hope. I went to my bedroom and opened my laptop.Ding.
Jake: sure. At the mochi donut place?
Me: yeah, thereTo be continued~

☀️She's Extraordinary ☀️
FanfictionBella's officially graduated middle school. After 3 years of ups and downs will high school prove to be the "best four years of her life" or will it be her most challenging time? Leia's getting older and beginning to form new thoughts, experiences...