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Cape Charles, VA (Friday, July 21st) (5:32 PM) (Elliot's Perspective)
We finally made it to our next destination, Cape Charles. We're at this nice RV Resort not too far from the beach.
"You know, we should have a campfire." Garrett suggested.
"That would be great. I've yet to show Leia my trick for roasting a good marshmallow." While on the outside I seemed okay, internally I was losing it. The whole ride here was like an emotional rollercoaster. Kathy is engaged. That isn't a bad thing, right? We've both moved on, I mean hell, I went on to marry the very person I told her not to worry about for a good part of my marriage, so why do I care so much? I'm happy, I've adopted 3 amazing kids. Why am I upset?
"Daddy, Mommy is calling you!" Ahh, Liv. I barely even feel like I could face her.
Cherrystone RV Resort & Park (Olivia's Perspective)
"I brought Daddy, Mommy!" My little sunshine squealed.
"Thank you, honey. Hey, Bella and the other girls are making bracelets so that we can remember how fun this trip was. Do you wanna join them? I heard that they have hot pink and powder blue over there."
"Yeah! Bye, Mommy! Bye, Daddy!" With Leia distracted, I asked Elliot if we could take a walk before dinner. He seemed a bit skittish. What is wrong with him?

Now that I think about it though, this is exactly what he must've been feeling. I've been horrible these past couple of days when he's been so kind and patient.

"I know that these past couple of days I haven't been the most open with you but I'm ready to talk if that's okay with you. I know that you were a bit upset earlier-"
"I wasn't."
"Okay, you weren't. I don't know how to explain this but-" I paused. I looked to my right, and I realized that Elliot wasn't even paying attention.
"Yes, sorry, I'm listening."
"You weren't. You've been off all evening."
"I am not off."
"Yes, you are. Ever since you had that conversation with Eli you've been upset. Is he okay, is there something that I need to know?"
"No, Liv."
"Well, you're not making me think otherwise."
"And that's how I felt with you, but were you listening?!? You didn't give a damn."
Cape Charles Beach (Sunday) (Bella's Perspective)
"The water's nice, have you gone in?" I shook my head. Jake and I have been arguing all weekend. I keep trying to tell him that Brayden and I didn't go farther than the talking stage and he says Brayden says otherwise. Why are you going to be in a relationship with someone if you can't trust them?
"It's awesome, let me tell you. It's warm, the waves aren't too crazy-" Part of me wished I could be happy and give Mom the attention she deserves, but my mind was someplace else.
"Hey, what's going on, bear?" Mom hugged me.
"I noticed that you've been pretty quiet this weekend, but I figured you were tired of being social. What's wrong? Talk to me." I wrapped myself with a towel.
"I just, I'm not feeling myself these days."
"One of those days where emotions rush over you and you feel overwhelmed?" I nodded.
"And when I try to talk about it there's a lump in my throat."
"You had a lot of those moments as a kid. It's because you felt so much and you didn't know quite how to explain it all."
"Yeah, but I'm older now. I can explain them." I have to finish my lie, I guess. I told Mom that I was having some rather uncomfortable thoughts. I wasn't listening too much to what she was saying, but one part stuck.

"Sometimes it's better to confront them than to let them linger."
The Mini-Golf Course (Virginia) (3:20 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
After we went to the beach and dried off, Uncle Niko said we should go mini-golfing! Because there's a lot of us, we're gonna play in groups!
"I'm going to win. I have the advantage." Bella said.
"What advantage?"
"I've played with my friends before this....and I won then too."
"Oooo, wow. You think you did something." Jonah said.
"No, I have the advantage!" I said.
"What is it, Leia boo?"
"I'm little!"
"How is that an advantage?"
"I'm gonna get help so that I can be better." Bella laughed.
"She's got a point. All of the adults are going to help her."
"Well, then I challenge you." Jonah said.
"And what if you lose?" Jonah looked at Bella.
"Just say something silly."
"You have to do whatever the winner says." He smiled and whispered in Bella's ear.
"That sounds good!"
"Okay Leia, you're up!" Aunty Eve said. Bella told me that I gotta get the ball in without hitting it a lot to win.
"I'm gonna use a strategy!"
"Really? Let me see." I stood in front of the ball and hit it. It went straight into the hole!
"Oooo, good job! If you keep going like that maybe you could beat me!"
"Woah, how did you even get it in like that!" Gabby asked. I shrugged.
"I just hit it and it worked!" Then it was Liam's turn so he went. He had to hit the ball three times so it would go in. I looked at the big kids play and Jonah had to hit the ball four times. He is not doing it quickly.
The Parking Lot
"I won!!!!" Elsie yelled.
"You don't gotta rub it in."
"You're just mad that your advantage didn't work."
"Please, I want a rematch."
"So Leia, how many strokes did you get total? I got 60."
"I got 49." I smiled. They paused.
"I had an advantage." I told him.
"Now you gotta do what I say allllll night." The big kids laughed at him and he looked sad.
"It's okay, Jonah! You could win next time!"
The Shanty (33 Marina Rd.) (10:25 PM) (Olivia's Perspective)
The guys decided to give us a "little break" by taking the kids kayaking in Kiptopeke State Park.
"Soo, how's everything going Liv? Did you guys get to talk when you went on that walk?"
"No, not really." I said, honestly.
"We're here for you Liv if you need anything."
"Mhm, but I suggest that whatever's going on be handled soon, Leia's picking up."
"What do you mean?" Alex bobbed her head from side to side before telling me the story.

"A-Alex, w-when can we have dinner?!"
"In just a minute babe. Why don't you go take a shower and change? You've been in those wet clothes for a minute."
"Noah's hogging it and he's in a grumpy mood."
"Okay, so why don't you go grab some clothes and I'll take you over to mine."
"Kay, where's my Mama and Dada?"
"They're out spending some time together."
"But, they're fighting. You don't spend time together when you're fighting."
"Fighting? What are they fighting about? You can tell me."
"Because Mommy won't communicate, and she's upset about work. Because Bella got hurt. That's what she told Auntie Amanda."

"She's listening, and I think for her sake and everyone else's, you guys need to figure it out." I didn't know that she overheard us that time. I'm a horrible parent.
"I know, but now Elliot's upset about something and we've landed back right where we started. You know what, let's just not talk about this for the rest of the trip. We have a couple more days, I can deal with this when we get back home. Let's just be....happy." I said spontaneously.

To be continued~

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