Dealing With It

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Avenue's School (Tuesday, Mar. 7th) (Bella's Perspective)

Dear Diary,
Hello...again! In therapy, I made this promise that I'll start writing in you more consistently again. It's supposed to help regulate my emotions or whatever. Right now, I'm still pretty anxious whenever I'm around Mom. It's hard because I love my mom, but I can't quite tell her the truth at the moment. Did I mention, I'm writing this in the school bathroom? It's the only place where I can write in peace.

"Bella, are you taking a shit?!" Clara banged on my stall aggressively. Or so I thought.
"Why are you so fucking loud, Clara??" I closed my diary and opened the stall door.
"You've been gone for a while so like, I assumed you were in the bathroom so I waited in front of the door for like 10 years. Hm, what were you doing in here? Doesn't smell like you were taking a shit." I rolled my eyes playfully.
"I just wanted to listen to some music alone." I said while leaving the bathroom.
"Hey, I wanted to ask you if you're up for a date?" I perked up.
"Yes, what do you wanna do?"
"I was thinking we could watch Bobby 2." Horror. Interesting pick.
"Sure! I'd love to. After school?" He nodded.
"I don't think you wanna hold those hands, she just finished taking a shit."
"No, I did not!" The dismissal bell rang. Was I really in the bathroom for that long?
"Let me go grab my bag, hold on!" I rushed back to the performing arts room to grab my stuff and my friends and I left the building together. I held my boyfriend's hand as we left and I could see Marissa glaring at me.
"It's Friday. Let's hang out."
"Where? And with what money?" Eva joked.
"Let's just go to Starbucks? Chill?"
"I can't, I have to study for the math test Monday." Matthew said.
"You, study??"
"Yeah, or I won't be able to go to Puerto Rico during spring break. Hasta la vista!"
"Maybe we should study?" Paisley suggested.
"No, fun now, cram later!"
"Sweet pea?!" Only a handful of people call me that...
"Hey, Ms. Benson!" Clara said.
"Hi, guys! How was school today?" I rolled my eyes and Hannah and Clara made that "maybe you should tell her everything" face.
"It was great!"
"Bell, sorry to drag you from your friends but we've got some things to do."
"Bye, Bella!" I waved sadly.
"Come on, it's cold." I sat in the front seat of the car.
"You have more friends than I ever did in high school." Mom said with a smile. I nodded.
"Mom, why did you pick me up?"
"Because we're going out to eat. Bella, why do you sound angry?" Great, now I can't go on my date.
"I'm not angry..."
"Then why are you having such an attitude with me? Why have you been acting this way towards me lately?" She questioned. Great. I didn't answer.
"Alright, me and you can have a chat later."
Bonchon (Olivia's Perspective)
"What's going on, Mom? You rarely let us eat junk food during the week."
"Uh-huh." Leia agreed while chomping down on a boneless wing.
"I have some life-changing news to share."
"Is it about the adoption again? Because we've all heard enough." Bella said sourly. Don't feed into it, Liv. You can discipline her later.
"A couple of weeks ago, I met my biological half-sister."
"I thought Uncle Simon was your brother?" Leia asked inquisitively.
"Yes, but I also have a little sister and she's 5 years younger than me." I explained.
"I'm 7 years younger than Bella."
"Right, and I'm telling you guys this because...I want you guys to meet her."
"What's she like?" I explained our similarities, and the things she liked, and told them about their cousins.
"We have another cousins?" Leia asked cutely.
"Yes, 3 more."
"She has a girl around your age named Emilia, Bella." She seemed a bit happier about the whole thing.
"I can't wait to meet my cousins!"
"That's the attitude!" I kissed Leia. Well, this went well. I need to figure out what's going on with Bella though.
TriBeCa Therapy (Wednesday, Mar. 8th) (3:05 PM)
"Hello, Bella. You're early today." I gave her a shy smile.
"Yeah, I was kinda anxious to talk to you."
"We made some great progress last week, I was proud of you." I blushed.
"Is it okay if we continue?"
"So, we were talking about trust and you revealed that you don't easily trust people because you think that they won't help you and that they'll abandon you." I nodded.
"I feel like, while you were being honest there, you left some things out unintentionally."
"What do you mean?" My heart was racing.
"Your mom and your stepdad are always helping you, why don't you still trust them?"

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