To Figure Things Out

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The American Girl Store (Rockefeller Center)  (Thursday, Feb. 11) (Leia's Perspective)
"Mommy, why are we here?" Me and Mommy are hanging out because it's my day off.
"You've been such a good girl lately that I thought that you deserved something a little special." I hugged her.
"Thank you, Mommy!"
"Thanking me already? We haven't even bought anything. Ooo, and there's a surprise." We walked inside the store and saw Ella!
"Ella!" I ran to her and gave her a big hug.
"I didn't know that you were coming."
"Me too! Mommy hid it!"
"So girls, you can get some clothes for your doll, and then we'll head out and get some food."
"Yay!" Ella and I ran through the store.
"We should get matching stuff!"
"Yeah, then Maia and Karina could play together." There are a lot of sets in the store.
"What about gymnastics? You have that one?"
"Nope!" I said. We picked it up.
"Good choice girls! What else." I looked around.
"There's a camping set! Our dollies can camp together and roast marshmallows like I did last summer."
"Let's get that too!"
"Is that it?" We nodded.
"Let's go buy it and eat!"
505 East 74th Street
Mommy and I are at our old house because we're packing so that we can move into our new one. I don't wanna move but Daddy Dashon is making us.
"Mommy? Can I tell you something?"
"What is it, Leia?" She put the tape down.
"It's confusing."
"I feel sad sometimes." I told her.
"Why do you feel sad?" I tried to tell Mommy but it wouldn't come out. I was scared to tell her! At therapy, I made a goal that I would talk about my feelings. But it's so hard! I try to speak and the words don't come out. My throat hurts and I wanna barf.
"Leia? Why do you feel sad?" I got up and ran away to my bedroom. Maybe she'll forget what I said. Maybe she won't say anything and I could just have my sleepover at Ella's still.
Algebra II (Noah's Perspective)
I just know that I failed that test.
"Yo, question 5 was pure hell! Did you find out what the fuck it was?!" Ace asked me.
"No, I kept getting fucking 3.4 in various degrees, like I'm convinced it was a trick question." I told him. Angie laughed.
"What's so funny?"
"You guys, the answer was 3.3."
"Fuck!" Angela and Amelia couldn't stop laughing.
"Morgan!" Morgan was absorbed in her phone, which I'm used to but not to the point where she didn't notice me.
"Hello, are you blind?!"
"I didn't see you guys, my bad." Morgan rolled her eyes.
"Who are you texting?"
"Nobody." She put her phone away.
"What are we eating for lunch?"
"I was thinking McDonald's. I'm broke as hell." Ace said.
"All in favor?" We all agreed. Some greasy food is always good to have after you know you fucked up on a test because at least you know that the food'll hit. We all left the building together. Morgan began texting again.
"Geez, this person has a hold on you." I playfully tried to take Morgan's phone and she blew up at me.
"Bro, stop! You play around too fucking much." First, she hides who she's texting, and now when I try to see she does this? She's never done this before. This is fishy as hell.
Columbus Ave. (12:07 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
I think I'm getting the hang of this. The whole pretending that I'm okay thing. The bruise on my forehead is starting to go away, I've started doing homework again, and I'm eating a bit more. Jake literally stays on the phone and watches me eat. Though sometimes I'm not eating it all...but anyways, my friends are less worried around me. I just have to keep doing it. Keep blending in.
"Bella, you should try the wings, they're really good," Paxton suggested. I ate one.
"They're so good!" I wasn't faking it. Garlic Parmesan is my favorite wing sauce. My friends and I were having lunch quickly before we had to go back in for the second half of our day.
"You guys have your speeches ready for mastery?" Lily and Stella asked. They're always saying the same thing at the same time.
"Yeah, besides it's nothing. We're just speaking to a bunch of old people anyway."
"I'm glad that I don't have to do one of those speeches." I said.
"Don't you have to do a project instead?"
"Yep. Already turned in." I turned around and saw Marissa and her friend come in the store. I snapped my neck back around.
"I'm gonna get going, I wanna go over my speech 156 more times." Eva said.
"I'll join." Juliette said. We told them goodbye and as I ate a bit more with the rest of my friends a bit of me craved some alone time.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna head back too. I need to go to the library quickly to print something." I lied.
"Why don't I go with you?" Clara suggested.
"It's really nothing-"
"Well, then let's go." She threw her stuff away and got up. For fucks sake. We left the restaurant and started to walk.
"What are you printing?"
"A paper for Humanities."
"Then why didn't you print it earlier in school?"
"Clara, I don't need to be babysat."
"I'm not babysitting you. This world is crazy, ya know?"
"And you'd protect me how?"
"Okay, your attitude sucks. Bella, you're the one that came to me 2 weeks ago. When you started being like this. I'm just worried about you! Is that a crime?" I wasn't trying to pick a fight but she was agitating me. We crossed the street silently when I looked up. I could see him smirking at me...hear them snickering. I dropped my drink.

"You'll never get rid of me."
"You'll always be tainted."
"You're disgusting."
"No one will want you."
"Jake is only with you out of pity."
"You're ruined."

I ran inside of the building.
"Bella, wait!" I threw up in the bathroom and slumped against the wall.
"Why can't I ever be left alone?" I cried.
"Bella?! Open the door!"
Avenues: The World School (1:29 PM) (Olivia's Perspective)
"How long has she been like this?" I asked the school psychologist.
"Since since lunch time. Nearly an hour ago. Is she on any medications?"
"No, she isn't. Not at the moment. Did she say anything? At all?"
"Just to go away and leave her alone." I noticed Clara in the corner.
"I'm sorry Ms.Benson, I tried my best to watch her and get her to talk to me for two weeks and I got nothing. I'm a bad friend."
"Clara, don't be sorry. You did nothing wrong. You're an amazing friend to Bella. You called me the second you realized something was up, that was very kind and smart of you to do." I hugged her.
"I'll tell you how she is. Go to class, education is vital my dear." I went over to the psychiatrist's bathroom and knocked on the door.
"GO AWAY!" She was coughing violently and crying.
"Bella, it's Mom. Can I come in?"
"Why are you here? You have work, Mom. Go back to work."
"I'm here because I have a daughter who needs me right now, and that will always be more important than work." She coughed again.
"I'm not important."
"Yes you are. So very important and loved. You mean the world to me Bella, and our family, so please let me help you. Open the door." A few moments later the door unlocked and Bella was on the floor next to the toilet. Her face stained with tears and tissue in her hand.
"Let's get you home."
505 East 74th Street
With cop cars stationed outside the house we decided it was safe to stay here until we moved. I took Bella to her room.
"There's vomit on you. You should bathe." She rushed into her bathroom to vomit again. Vomit is something I've gotten used to with three kids. Vomit is a symptom of anxiety for Bell. Usually when it's more severe. She needs to go back on medication, I thought. Bella may hate the idea of it, but it would help. I started to run a bath for her and got her special bath salts. I also grabbed a bath bomb from the cabinet.
"Mom, can you stay?"
"Of course." I helped her undress and get into the tub.
"You know that we have to talk, right?" She nodded.
"Can we just talk about happy things...right now?"

Dr. Turner: How is she? Has she calmed down?
Me: She has, I'm getting her to take a bath. Can you make today's session a house call?
Dr.Turner: I certainly can.

"We can."

To be continued~

A/N: Noah, Leia, and Bella each have something going on in their lives....

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