Hi, Nice To Meet You

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Home (1065 Fifth Ave.) (Bella's Perspective) (Saturday, Jul. 19th)
The second we got home it's been like a rush to get ready. Painting her room, buying her toys, making sure everything is perfect. It's been a lot and I feel anxious and stressed. It's been a while since we've had an addition to our family.
"Hey, Bell. Careful right there." She was carrying boxes into the room. Is this a preview of what's gonna happen when she arrives? While my parents were still in the room, I managed to slip out the front door undetected. A lot's happening at once and no one has even asked if I was okay with it. I just need a minute to breathe. I raced down the block, phone in hand.
Sicily's House (2:45 PM)
"I'm sorry for being so last minute, you were just the closest and I didn't know what to do-"
"Bell, you're good. Come in!" We went straight to her room.
"Bell, are you okay?!" Julie asked.
"I'm fine I just, I'm scared." I told my friends.
"Well of course! I mean a total stranger that's supposed to be your sibling is coming tomorrow. I'd be scared too." Cici said.
"What are you most scared of? Being a good sister? Because I mean you're awesome with Lei, you're like way nicer than I am with my brother." We all giggled.
"Oh we know, you never let him live." Paisley said.
"It's not that. It's just like the adjustment period I guess, like getting used to having someone else there that I don't know. And getting used to the fact that I'm probably going to get like, less quality time with my parents, especially my mom. I don't want our relationship to go through a patch again."
"Have you mentioned any of this to Rachel?" Julie asked.
"No, I've been kinda checked out during our sessions, not gonna lie."
"You should talk to her."
"Yeah." I sighed.

Mom💜: Bell, why'd you leave so suddenly?

I sighed once again. I should head back before she gets upset. Me and mom have been good these days and I really don't want to give her more stress.

"My Mom wants me, gotta go guys!"
"Bye, good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly!" Julie said. I thanked my friends and left.
My Bedroom (4:30 PM) (Leia's Perspective)
"My tummy hurts.." I whispered while holding it. I'm really nervous. What if she doesn't like me and she's super mean? What if Mommy and Daddy forget about me? I went over to my swinging chair.
"Leia?" It's Mommy.
"You just left so suddenly, pumpkin. What's going on?" I held my tummy even tighter.
"My tummy hurts." I said with tears in my eyes. Mommy hugged me and kissed my head.
"Did you throw up? Is it something you ate?" I didn't answer. I was starting to feel even more sick with Mommy asking all of those questions.. After a while, Mommy paused. She pulled her hair back into a bun and pulled her glasses down.
"Come here, my sweet girl." She patted her lap.
"Lei, are you nervous about tomorrow? Is that why your tummy hurts?"
"Yeah, it hurts and feels funny when I think about it. Like there's a roller coaster in there." I hiccuped.
"That's called anxiety. That's when you worry a lot about something and can't stop."
"I can't stop." I repeated.
"What's making you nervous? You can tell me."
"What if she's mean, Mommy? What if she tries to take my toys?"
"Leia, I know it's scary to have someone new come into our family, but let's not have such negative thoughts, okay?"
"But what if she does?"
"Then we will handle it." I started to cry more.
"But Mommy, I don't want you and Daddy to forget about me." I covered my face. Mommy sighed.
"Ahh, I see what it is. Awww, baby."
"I'm not your baby anymore."
"Yes you are, and you always will be. You'll be my baby as long as I'm here on this Earth and nothing will change that. Me and Daddy have so much love to give that no one is excluded. You know Bella felt the same way about you, but guess what?"
"What, Mama?"
"She loves being your big sister, and I'm sure you're going to love it too." Mommy tickled me.
"Come on, let's go make dinner. Tacos?" I gave her a big smile. I wanna be a good big sister.
The Terrace (Sunday, Jul. 20th) (11:46 AM) (Noah's Perspektive)
"Leia, stop stealing my sausages."
"You always steal mine. Just be quiet." She quipped.
"Hey, you don't talk to your big brother like that, or anyone for that matter. Apologize." Mom said sternly. Bella and I looked at each other, when Mom talks like that it's never good. It means she's stressed or pissed.
"I'm. Sorry." She huffed. Leia Left and went back inside.
"Can we like, not do this today?" Bella pleaded.
"It's our last few moments as the five. Let's not fight. Lei, come back. Please?" Mom sighed, knowing Bella had a point.
"I feel so weird today." I confessed.
"It's like, on top of the private things I'm feeling, I'm feeling this too. It's not a bad feeling, I'm not sure how to describe it. Something between nervousness and excitement. And you know, I think we might be all feeling that in some weird way. Lei deals with it by being a bit mean." We all giggled.
"Mom's snappy. Bella and I are quiet. But like, we shouldn't be mean. Let's just chill."
"Chill." Leia repeated while crawling into my lap.
"You're right, Noah. Deep breaths and chill." Elliot
then came outside.
"Hey guys, what's going on?"
"Nothing," we said in unison.
"Alright...Bella, thanks for breakfast."
"Of course! Oh and since I made such a lovely breakfast...."
"I knew a catch was incoming." Mom said.
"I was wondering if Jake could spend the night one of these days."
"Spend the night?" I asked.
"Mommy said no boys in your room, Bella." Leia pointed out.
"Bella, I'm not sure that's very appropriate." Mom suggested.
"Why? We just want to watch movies and eat snacks."
"And that may...lead to other things."
"I don't think it's appropriate. He can come spend the day with us in the Hamptons."
"Not the same."
"Take it or leave it." Dad said.
"Uhh, well on that note, I'm thinking about making changes next school year."
"What changes?"
"I wanna do football next year. I never got that experience ya' know. With the boys."
"But Noah, you've been doing basketball this whole time, which is your strong suit. Are you sure you want to shake things up in your junior year?"
"Liv, he could always go back to basketball in the spring. There's no harm in him trying, is there?"
"I suppose-"


That's the doorbell.
The Front Door (Olivia's Perspective)
My hand was shaking as I reached for the door. What would we be getting into? The kids followed me as we made our way to the front door. I took a deep breath before I opened the door.
"Hi!" Christina said with a big smile. Next to her was a rather petite little girl, who couldn't be more than 6.
"This is Madelyn. Say hi, sweetheart."


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"Hi." She said shyly. I got down on one knee.
"Hi, my name is Olivia and these are my kids and my husband. Would you like to meet them too?" She nodded. Elliot introduced himself kindly with a little joke, and then the kids went. There was something in the air, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"I heard from a little birdie that you love purple...so we have a little surprise for you. Wanna see?"
"Yes, please." We took her down the hall.
"You ready?" I asked.
"Trust me, You're gonna love it." Bella said while rubbing her back.

Madelyn walked around the room, touching the toys and plushies with a soft smile

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Madelyn walked around the room, touching the toys and plushies with a soft smile. It seemed to me that she was starting to come out of her shell in the slightest.
"Thank you...Olivia and Elliot." She whispered.
"You're so very welcome." And, after a couple of words from Leia's social worker and a bag with some
of her belongings, we officially became a family of six.

And something about that just felt so good.
Madelyn's Room (9:21 PM) (Bella's Perspective)
"Hey...Are you still awake?" I asked softly. The door opened and Madelyn rushed to hop back onto her bed.
"Can I join you? I have cookies." She smiled and nodded.
"But it's late." She said cautiously.
"What do you mean?"
"My other mommy wouldn't let us eat past 7. Sometimes I was hungry but it wasn't allowed." I couldn't imagine living like that. Mom never restricts foods or shames us for eating. She's always worried about us eating actually...
"Well here, you don't have to worry about that. My mom and dad don't want anyone to be hungry. You can eat whenever you'd like."
"Okay." She looked at the cookies.
"I made these like an hour ago. What'cha think?"
"It's yummy." She giggled.
"So, what kind of things do you like?"
"Dolls and ballerinas. I like the tutus." I smiled.
"I do ballet." She put her hand over her mouth.
"Wanna learn a cool move?" She nodded excitedly.
"Okay, spread your legs like this. Farther than that, silly!" I showed her a simple routine and she loved it. Madelyn is very quiet, but I feel like under all of those layers she's a very energetic girl.
"I wanna do leaps like yours."
"You can with practice! I'll show you, as long as you promise to eat cookies with me every once in a while."

I think we're going to be just fine.

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