Agent 247?

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    The worried voices of the agents and mercs around me blurred together in one big jumble as they rushed around the room, trying to understand what had just happened. With one last attempt, I reached a bloodied hand out to the broken window... the light shining through seemed much brighter than before...
    I took another deep breath as I let my eyes close. So was that a mission success?

We continue...

A weird sensation across my stomach followed by a quick jolt of pain shook me from my slumber, causing me to open my eyes with a gasp.

"He's awake!" Someone cried out, quickly being shushed by someone else in the room.

I groggily blinked a couple of times, trying to get adjusted to the bright light that shone above me- right in my face. I could hear metal tinkering before a hand reached across my vision to push that annoying bright light from my face, and I was starting to see things a bit more clearer.

I could start to see Chris, who stood worryingly to the left of me- biting his nails. I turned my head to my right and saw someone else- someone I didn't recognize- with a medical mask and gloves. Were they a doctor?

"Agent 247? How are you feeling right now" the masked person asked. I frowned, I hadn't heard someone call me by that in a long time.

Chris reached out to grab my chin, turning me to face him again "Ethan please- we need to know how you're feeling". I took a deep breath before opening my mouth to try and speak.
"Where the fuck am I"
Chris' eyes widened as he clasped a hand over his mouth, as if to suppress a laugh. The masked man just pinched the bridge if their nose as if they were frustrated

"Well Ethan you're currently in the infirmary of Agency building two, just off nexys city's sector" he started to pull needles out of my arm that I didn't even know were there until I felt a small pinch for each one. "You were brought here after severe blood loss in the industrial sector of nexus city" they spoke flatly, as if to show they weren't here for small talk.

I looked back to Chris, confused "why did we leave the sheriff's city?" I didn't get a response. Instead what I got was a weird look exchanged between Chris and the doctor- a knowing look.

The masked doctor picked up the lasts of his supplies "agent 133 I suggest you help get 247 situated and presentable- and soon. I'll ask Dr. Skinner to check in on you later" they said as they rushed out the door, not saying another word.

    Chris broke the awkward silence as he started helping me to lean up in my bed "Cmon Ethan, I got you some fresh clothes, here" he handed me a new suit and blazer and I took them, realizing that I was practically naked except for my under clothes. "Yeah, sorry about your old suit- the glass and bullets tore quite a few holes into it" he nodded towards a chair that sat in the corner of the room, and in it was the blazer that doc had given me.
    For some reason it caused a lump to form in my throat. Was it weird to miss someone you barely knew?

    "Well I'll leave you to it then, I'll be waiting outside for when you're dressed" he patted my hand and started walking out of the room, pausing when he reached the doorway. "Oh, one last thing- where'd you get that old suit from anyway? haha, I don't think I've seen one of those in forever- only in storage". I froze, unsure of what to say.

    "Ah, about that... I found it in the back of the cargo truck I got to sheriff with. My old suit was dirty and so I..." my voice trailed off. It hurt to speak anyways, and I was sure Chris got the idea. He just gave me a nod and a smile before walking out the room, shutting the door behind him.

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