New scars.

290 14 10

//warnings for blood, violence


Dimitri started into space as if to figure out what to say.
    Embarrassingly I'll admit I had let my guard down around him- without even knowing anything. But It didn't matter if my thoughts were somewhat scrambled from how close he sat next to me- I needed to keep my guard up and listen. I needed to know who he was.

And what he was planning.

I needed to know if I could trust him. I neededto trust him...

I wanted to trust him

We continue...

    "Didya know I was... 'made' in Central Nevada?"
Dimitri blew a lock of hair from his face as he finally broke the silence between us.

    Through the cracks and holes of the boarded up windows, a warm soft glow peeked through, illuminating our little hideout with pinkish rays.
    we hadn't gotten a wink of sleep all through the night. No wonder we were so tired.

And... Wait... did he say Central Nevada? "Wait really? Why didn't you say anything before- that you means you'll know the area then!"
    Dimitri shrugged, but I wasn't done yet. "and when you say 'made',,, you mean..."

Dimitri reached back through his hair to show me a scar shaped almost like a small circle just on the nape of his neck.
    " 'Made' as in clone. Gen 4, clone to be exact. You didn't think you were the only one out here did ya"

I stared in a slight awe at the scar. Another clone huh?
I had an identical scar on my neck- though I had went through numerous cosmetic procedures to get it covered up, courtesy of the agency. All clones had it- it's how the clone was connected to their cloning tube.

"But, how. Only authorized militias are allowed to have cloners. Last I checked there were none stationed in Central Nevada" authorized militia meaning AAHW and nexus core of course. The only ones with permissions for cloning use

    "There's an underground market for everything, Ethan. Even cloners and life".

Oh. Illegal cloning... I had only ever briefly heard about it before- but it made sense. The quickest way to build an army. But for what?

"I'm surprised Nexus Core hasn't tried to put a stop to that then" I mumbled; half in thought. They were supposed to be the ones looking after Central Nevada

He snorted and broke me from my thoughts "you think Nexus Core actually gives a shit bout that place?? Haha! Oh please- it's the crime syndicates that REALLY run the cities" he shook his head "Trust me- worked for one of them bastards for a bit- a group called the vendevice. They used to be big back in the day"

The Vendevice?? One of the biggest crime rings in Nevada?? Was he some kind of- what- career criminal?

"Why,,, would you work for a place like that?" My brow furrowed and my body tensed.

"Same reason you joined AAHW mate. You were made to work there right? Didn't really have a choice now Didya"

I looked away, I guess he had a point.

"Agency Scum"Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin