Nevadian Night of the Undead

236 15 7

//warnings for blood, violence, possible madness project nexus spoilers


I stared down the looming stairway and held tightly onto his hand.
"Yeah. We did" I weakly spoke as my throat ran dry

    Unsure of what would happen we started to venture into the dangerous and dark unknown of the abandoned inner city below us

Whether is be Zed, bandit, or agent; we would have to handle this as a team

As friends.

We continue...

    With the black depth of the stairway, the sticky blood that coated the floor, and the moaning from the old building; it almost was like we stepped right into a horror movie.

    Dimitri and I went down the long spiraling stairwell with caution, unsure of what was to come, and badly craving the light of the outside world again.
    With every step we took the more anxious I grew, to the point where Dimitri had to stop every two minutes just to pat me on the back and remind me it was okay. Guess I wasn't as good as keeping my cool as I thought.

And It didn't help that the building would occasionally groan from our steps; and I had to wonder just how structurally sound the building was. It was best to just hurry, and hurry until we finally reached the end of the staircase and was met with the foul stench of death

We had walked into an even darker room, if you could believe it, and the windows were boarded up as if to keep the dead out.

Sweeping through the large room with my small flashlight we could briefly make out mounds of more bodies- all slumped over in defeat.

    All of the corpses held onto weapons too- they had died trying to fight off whoever these two "mercenaries" were.

    We maneuvered through the now graveyard of a room and made it to a strange elevator.
I hesitated to take it, but as I couldn't see any other accessible way out of the room- especially with trash and building debris blocking the only other door out- I reached out to push the small button next to the elevator door

Me and Dimitri waited a few minutes in the dark as the elevator dinged to life and a low rumbling cane from within the wall.

Saying this elevator was on its last legs would be an understatement. I could hear the screeching of the cables from here.

As I waited Dimitri went to explore the room, turning over bodies with his boot and looking behind boxes.

"What are you looking for? I doubt there's anything of use here" I grumbled as I waited patiently for the elevator to haul ass.

"I'm just tryna see if I recognize anyone... these were all guys from a group we had ties with,,," his voice trailed off and I bit my lip awkwardly. There was a note of sadness in his voice. But I was never really good with comforting people

The elevator came just in time and the rusty doors opened slowly, inviting us to step inside.

Carefully I stuck a foot in, stepping on the platform to test its safety.
Dimitri on the other hand didn't seem to be worried, as he just walked right past me into the elevator.

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