I. A Hogwarts letter... for James

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"Mum! Dad! MumMumMUM! DAD!", James awoke the whole house one fine summer morning. "James! James! JamesJamesSHUT UP!!!", his six – almost seven-year-old sister shouted back. "Oh, so you don't want to know about my letter to Hogwarts?", James pouted. "WHAT?! It arrived?! Let me see, you nincompoop!", Charlie squealed. "Stop fighting, you two! Mum and I aren't awake yet!", their father yelled from upstairs. "We're not fighting, we're ARGUING!", the siblings immediately responded in perfect, rehearsed sync. "Whatever", they could hear Fleamont mutter. Charlie giggled and got up from bed to join her brother.

"So? Show me!" James grinned: "It hasn't arrived yet. It was a trap to lure you downstairs." "You are so mean!", she cried, making James burst out into laughter and wave a piece of parchment in front of her nose "I was joking, it's right here, Charlie." "Git." James clutched his heart: "Charlie! What foul language are you using there? And at that young age!", he mocked. "Git", his sister repeated, obviously finding this very amusing. "And you're also poo! And a Butt! And a Poo-butt!", she added, disappointing her big brother with the usual toddler-swear-words. He rolled his eyes: "Just read the letter already!" "I'm seven-" "You're not. You're six.", James interrupted her, but she glared at him: "Almost seven. I'm almost seven. I can't read." "Yes you can. Come here, Messy Hair." Charlie sat on her brother's lap, who moved his finger along the lines, clearly wanting his sister to read aloud. Charlie squinted importantly and began to read: "Dear Mrrr. What's Mrrrr?" "It's an abbreviation for Mister." "No it isn't! An abbreviation for Mister would be "Mi" or something like that." "Well, it isn't. Now go on.", James retorted. "Dear Mister Potter, we are puh-leased to in-form you that you have been ak- aps- uh-" "accepted", James whispered, even if there was no need to keep his voice down. "Oh. Accepted at Hogwarts school of Wishwaf- uh, Wi-c- ugh, can't you read itttttt?" James rolled his eyes, but took over, nonetheless.

"Dear Mr Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31st.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva M. McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress"

Charlie stared at her brother with big eyes: "Wooow. I can't wait to go too!" "And you will", James laughed. "Well, yes, but I have to wait FIVE WHOLE YEARS!!!!" "Hey, I had to wait too.", he argued. "But you're finished waiting now!", Charlie pouted, crossing her arms. "Don't worry, the years will go by quicker than you think", he tried to reassure her. "Not without you, they won't", Charlie mumbled and at the same time Fleamont entered the kitchen. "Now, what happened, James?" Charlie brightened immediately. "James got his letter!!" "Brilliant!", Fleamont exclaimed, making Charlie sigh. "I want to go too." "Aww, you will, Cake-pop!", Fleamont said. His daughter huffed dramatically: "Yes! In FIVE YEARS!!!"

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