XX. Electrical Storm

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"Have you brought the chess board?", Charlie asked. "Yes, I have it here, Binns won't notice a thing!",Gina replied, "Are you good at chess?" "I'm... okay", Charlie responded. "If I can say so, I'm quite good at it. I like to play against my brother Arthur."
"Is he at Hogwarts?" "Nope, he graduated nine years ago, actually, he's my eldest brother. I also have three more brothers and a sister!" "Wow! Six children!" "Yes, it's pretty much! But at least I have a sister! Imagine being the only girl, with FIVE brothers!" "Harsh." "U-huh." The girls entered the history of magic classroom. Professor Binns started babbling in front of the class, not noticing, how nobody paid attention. Most of the children had brought things, like books, drawing sets, homework for other classes or board games. Charlie just couldn't win against Gina, and it drove her crazy. "Why can't I just win! You're so good! Umm, knight to D3!" "Are you really trying to kill us now?! Don't you see his rook? It's right there on D6!", the figures all complained. "I-ummm!" "Class dismissed", Professor Binns finished and everyone headed towards Transfiguration.

"There's a storm coming up. Probably much thunder and lightning", Gina said, glancing out of the window. "M-hm. WAIT-WHAT?!" "What? Are you afraid of storms?" "No... I just thought today would be nicer weather?", Charlie lied. She would have to head straight to the forest... but now she had to go to Transfiguration..."Now, please change your bow your house colour", Minnie (James had come up with that!) said, when Charlie heard it rumble. She put up her hand. May I go to the hospital wing? I'm not so well." "I'm sorry, Miss Potter, but you look fine. Are you sure, you're ill?" "Positive! Please, I have to go!" Professor McGonagall didn't seem to believe her, so Charlie used a trick James had taught her. "Statim Puke.", she muttered under her breath, pointing her wand on herself. 

The effect was instantly. Charlie could get up just in time, not to vomit onto her text book. All the girls shrieked and yelled: "Eww!", while the boys found it rather amusing. "Oh dear. Sorry, Miss Potter, of course, you may go to the hospital wing now. Do you want anyone to come with you?", Professor McGonagall quickly said. Charlie shook her head, not without catching Katie, Mia, Gina and Abbie's betrayed looks, and ran all the way through the great hall, still throwing up, every now and then.

Finally, she reached the forest. Panting, she took the crystal vial. Yes! It had worked. "Now drink it in exactly three gulps", she recalled and lifted it to her lips. One. Two. Three. Owwwwwwwww! Charlie felt like she was burning from the inside. The fire would destroy her! Her heart went faster and she could feel it throb against her ribs. A second heartbeat appeared. The pain. Charlie knew she was going to die. Something had gone terribly wrong! The second heartbeat calmed her down, although the pain was still present. Very present. But with the calming second heartbeat it faded into the background. Suddenly she saw a grey wolf in her mind. The wolf. This was her animagus form. Charlie stretched out her hand, and the wolf approached. She stared into the wolf's  eyes and she slowly began to shrink. Charlie didn't lose eye contact with the wolf. Somehow she knew, she had to. Somehow she knew, that if she lost eye contact, she would be stuck forever between wolf and human. Not a pleasant thought. BAM! Charlie's vision started to turn, as if she were looking at a video, in which the camera was turned and shaken, while filming. BAM! Everything was back to normal. Or no, not quite. Everything seemed so much sharper now. Charlie could see even the tiniest movement. Wolf-vision! The pain was gone. How good it felt. The pain was gone! Fully! Charlie tried walking around, but it was MUCH harder than one would think. She must have looked very silly. After ten minutes or something, she got the hang of it. Woah! Her nose was so good! She could smell... EVERYTHING! Just EVERYTHING! Charlie didn't want to change back to human, but she knew she had to. Well, she would definitely be sneaking out of bed tonight!

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