III. Visitors

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"Charlie? I know you got your letter, but you can't go to 'Ogwarts, We 'ave to keep you 'ere , until you 'avent 'ad an attack for two monzz. We can't release you before. I vill be your private tuteur and teach you your first-year lessons", Healer Michelle announced. "Wait- I'm sorry what? Healer Michelle, that's... that's some kind of bad joke, isn't it?", Charlie chuckled dryly. "Non. Pardon." "But... but I have to go to Hogwarts! It isn't fair! I-I... Please!", Charlie begged. "No. I'm sorry, Charlie, but safety first." No. This couldn't be. No, no, no! Charlie was sick of this place! Having an attack every few weeks, seeing nothing but the white halls and sometimes the hospital park. She couldn't stand this anymore! This was so unfair! She had been waiting for so, so long, dreaming of how Hogwarts would save her from St Mungo's. And now that stupid disease that kept her in hospital for years didn't let her go. Healer Michelle was called away, leaving Charlie alone, who started to cry. Maybe she could escape? But then she wouldn't be able to go to Hogwarts. She sobbed a bit more, biting her pillow.

"Charlie? I'm here!" James entered the room and Charlie quickly wiped away her tears. James still saw it: "Oh no. What's wrong, Messy Hair?" "I'm not aloud to go." "Go where?" "To Hogwarts." "To HOGWARTS?! They can't just forbid you!" "They can. Because I'm not released yet. From St Mungo's, I mean. Aaargh!" "We'll just bust you out of here, I mean, you have to go, I already bragged about my magnificent sister joining Hogwarts this year!" "Funny what my disease does to you. Without it, you would've more likely told your friends: Ugh, my sister's going to Hogwarts too next year. She's so annoying! Even if it isn't true, of course!" "No, I wouldn't have said that! Anyways, I brought my friends here to introduce you!" "You what?" "Come in, guys!" Three boys entered the room. A black-haired, good-looking boy walked in at the front, seeming to be quite self-confident. Next to him a tall, shabby boy covered in scars, Charlie wondered where they came from. And last was a small boy, who looked shy, but gentle and nice. "Meet Sirius, Remus and Peter." "So, this is your sister, Prongs?", Sirius asked. "Yes, and as a matter of fact, you can talk to me yourself. "Sirius laughed: "You're cool. What's your name again?" "Don't you listen, Padfoot? Her name's Charlie. Hi, Charlie, I'm Remus." "Hi." James smiled: "Wanna go for a walk through the park?" "Definitely, I'm sick of this place!" "Prongs?" "Hmm?" "Why is your sister in St Mungo's?" "Like I said, Sirius, you can address yourself to me! And since when are you called Prongs, James?" "Since this year. Sirius is Padfoot, Remus is Moony and Peter is Wormtail.""That's not so nice." "Nah, it's okay, really! Kind of amusing...", Peter told her. "Oi!", Sirius shouted, "Isn't that Helena Saden? Hufflepuff in our year?" "I think so?" "She's drooling over me, but...ahh, she's not my type..." "First, Padfoot, everyone knows she's drooling over James, and second, I thought EVERY girl was your type!", Remus rolled his eyes in exactly the moment, Helena came over."Oh-my-God-James?!-What-are-you-doing-here?-I'm-Helena,-I'm-in-your-year!-You're-so-good-at-Quidditch,-I'm-really-scared-for-our-title-this-year!", Helena started, talking so fast, it sounded like one word.

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