IX. For what? Dodging?

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Charlie changed into her Quidditch robes; the first match of the season was Gryffindor against Slytherin. After a short pep talk, they marched out onto the field and the captains shaked hands. Everybody took off and Charlie positioned herself in front of the hoops calmly, not letting the Quaffle out of her eye, which was currently in possession of a Slytherin Chaser, until Jennifer caught a pass meant for another Slytherin Chaser. Jennifer maneuvered around some players and dodged a Bludger, which Sirius slammed back in direction of a Slytherin who dodged it easily. Jennifer passed to James, who soon lost the ball to another Chaser, who made his way to the hoops, but Jay caught the Quaffle and threw it to Sarah, the third Gryffindor Chaser. Charlie quickly dodged a Bludger sent by Slytherin Beater Xavier. James scored twenty points added to Sarah's ten points. Charlie held another three balls, but the fourth went in. 30:10 for Gryffindor. She held another Quaffle, and Jennifer scored another ten points, which was sadly balanced by Valerie sending a ball she couldn't hold. Justin, Sirius's fellow beater send a Bludger to the Slytherin Seeker Regulus Black, who dodged, making the Bludger hit Charlie and knock her off the broom.

Charlie woke up to find herself in the infirmary with her teammates, Lily and her friend Gina bending over her. "How are you?!", James asked, hugging her. "I was alright a few seconds ago, you're pressing my ribs; I reckon they're broken!" "Yes, Madame Pomfrey said something like that...", he admitted, trailing off. Justin looked really bad: "I'm so, so sorry, Charlie! I really didn't mean to... I swear, I wanted to hit Regulus!" Sirius nudged him: "That's my brother, eh?" "Umm- yeah, but for the match, I-I thought..." "Nah, I was joking, Justin! It's okay, it was a match!" "Yeah, well anyway, terribly sorry, Potter!" "Never mind! Did we lose?" "No, we caught the snitch just in time. Regulus would've caught it, if it weren't for Sirius's Bludger swooshing right past him." Mme Pomfrey came in: "Visitor's time is over! Get out! All of you!" Everyone walked out, but Justin waited: "Again, I'm really so, soooo sorry, Charlie, I didn't-" "Out!" Justin quickly left giving Charlie another guilty look. She smiled and asked Mme Pomfrey if she could only go up to the library, to quickly get some books against the boredom, but Mme Pomfrey refused. "But I can tell your brother to bring you some if you want." "Okay, thanks Mme Pomfrey."

Mme Pomfrey came in: "The boy wants to apologize! I told him, visitor time isn't, until in two hours, but his classes start in twenty minutes! I let him in for five minutes, no more!" Charlie rolled her eyes. Justin. But to her surprise it wasn't Justin who stepped in, but Regulus. He strode over to her with a blank expression. "Hey." "Hi, Regulus, what are you doing here?" "I came to apologize..." "For dodging?", Charlie raised an eyebrow. "No, for you getting hit, because of me.", Regulus nodded and turned on his heels to walk out of the infirmary, leaving Charlie open-mouthed. "What was that?!", she asked herself. Well, he could've tried a bit harder to hide the fact, Sirius asked him to apologize, couldn't he?

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