XIV. Let me through!

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Katie woke up to a coughing sound. She looked around and saw her roomy, Charlie, sitting upright in her bed, coughing up liquid. "Charlie!", she screamed when she realized it was blood. Charlie coughed even more. "Get *cough* *cough* Professor", she told her between terrible coughs. "Girls! Girls, wake up!", Katie screamed at Abigail, Gina and Mia. Shortly after, Mia ran to the room in which the Gryffindor prefect was sleeping. "Lily! Wake up! Charlie Potter isn't alright." 

Not only Lily woke up, but almost all the Gryffindor girls. Lily ran to Charlie, while she ordered someone to get Professor McGonagall. "Charlie! Charlotte, are you alright?!" Panic erupted and soon the boys were awake too, nobody seeming to check what was wrong. Remus, the other prefect made his way to Lily. "I'm a prefect! Make way! I'm a prefect! Oh God, Prongs! Come over here! Your sister!" James started yelling things and screaming: "Let me through! Let me through!", while running up to his sister, horrified. 

"Charlie! Charlie!", he grabbed her arm, "Charlie, what's going on?!" Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey entered. "Silence!" Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall brought Charlie away, ordering everyone to go back to sleep. James didn't budge. "But Professor! That's my sister!" "I am well aware of that, Potter, however you should still try to get some sleep." 

James sat down on a couch, still not making a move to go to his dorm. "Prongs... You heard what the professor said...", Remus gently nudged him, but James just broke into a sob. "This already happened once! She was ill for SIX YEARS! That's half of her life! And we never knew if she'd still be there the next day, she was lucky to survive!" Lily placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's gonna be alright, James." But James was to worried to notice. Peter, Sirius and Remus on the other hand, stared onto Lily's hand resting on James' shoulder, until she quickly pulled it away. James still didn't notice and sobbed into Sirius' pajama. "Now, now, James. No need to ruin my pajamas!"

James already went down to Professor McGonagall's office at 6am. "Mr. Potter? You should still be in bed or in the great hall." "Sorry, Professor, but do you have any news of my sister?" "No, Mr. Potter, not yet, but I will inform you as soon as possible." James nodded and left for breakfast. In Transfiguration that morning, he asked again. "Mr. Potter, I thought I made myself clear when I said that you'll be informed as soon as we do have some information." "Yes, professor, I'm sorry." James returned to his seat, where Remus patted his shoulder and comforted him. "Thanks, Moony." "You would've done the same for me." "I know, still thanks."

Hi, James!

Wanted to inform you that I'm doing just fine! Professor McGonagall probably told you though. Have you found a Quidditch replacement yet? I hope so, we absolutely have to win against Hufflepuff, especially after their last win!!! 

I hate it here in St Mungo's, I have the feeling I'm prisoner again. Those were the most horrible six years of my life back there! I couldn't attend Hogwarts, I couldn't see you, Mum or Dad so often and I was too weak to even walk! The healers say I'll be alright, but I will have to stay here another two weeks before I can return to Hogwarts. "For Observation" (I'm saying that in a mocking tone) I hate the disease! Please tell Lily I'm alright too, although I'll also write her another letter, it's the only thing I can do apart from dying of boredom! Mom brought me some books, but I'd prefer to go to the library myself. I suppose you're wrinkling your nose; you're not really the bookish one... Anyway, I hope to see you soon,

Your sister Charlie

PS.: Please write back!

James smiled, as he read his sister's letter, he was so relieved that she was okay

Glad you're okay, Messy Hair!

Yep, we have found a replacement, but he's not nearly as good as you. We also won the match against Hufflepuff, although only by a few points! 220:210 and we caught the snitch. That replacement Keeper really let the Quaffle in twenty-two times!!!



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