XXIII. Rowena Ravenclaw

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Charlie left, careful not to be seen. She hadn't been able to find the cloak, James must've taken it. As soon as she reached the grounds, Charlie transformed. It was a clear night and the moon was so beautiful. Charlie had always thought it looked the most beautiful at full moon. She chased mice around and came to a stop when she saw a big fat rat. She let the mouse be and followed the rat, who ran for his life (although Charlie wouldn't eat him, of course, that was disgusting!)

At some point the rat yelled: "Padfooooot! Prooooongs! I'm getting killed!" Charlie stopped immediately, confused. A stag and a black dog came running over, snorting with laughter. A stag... "Come on, Wormtail! Remus is waiting!", the dog barked. Charlie could make out a figure in the distance to which the three animals ran. She decided to join them. "Hey, look! The wolf that almost killed you, Peter!", the stag, which was either James or Sirius, commented. Charlie stayed silent, she couldn't blow up her cover. "I think it's a female, maybe she has a crush on Moony?!", the dog joked. "Oh, I have an idea!", Peter started, "maybe Sirius can talk to it, wolfs and dogs are a family, right?" So, Sirius was the dog and James the stag. 

"Huh, I'll try. Hello, wolf! What's your name, buddy?" Charlie had to think for a moment. If she answered, then James and Peter could understand to, right? And then they'd know, she wasn't an ordinary wolf. Hmm, although maybe she could howl... no, better not take any risks. Or, wait! "Congratulations. You have been nominated for the best students awards in the category Transfiguration. Αlso, I'm sorry, Rick couldn't come, he's busy at the moment, so I'm here", Charlie started. 

Everyone, except Remus, who couldn't understand them, since he was human, looked at her. "Oh. Sorry", she chuckled, "I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Rowena." "Rowena?", Sirius asked skeptically. "Yes, and as I said, sorry Rick couldn't come." "Who's Rick?", asked Peter. "Nickname for Godric. It should've been him, who comes to you, obviously, since you're all in his house. Although Remus totally has some Ravenclaw in him! Just like your sister Charlotte! It isn't fair, Rick always gets the good ones! I bet he uses Confundus on the hat!", Charlie said gloomily.

"Wait! Godric and Rowena, like in Godric Gryffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw?!", James asked. "That's us, yes!" "So, umm, how is it possible, you're alive?", Sirius asked. "Well, I'm only one of the greatest witches of all time!!!" They came to a halt. Peter jumped from James' antlers and pressed a knot in the whomping willow. The willow stopped whomping and the four of them slipped through a small opening. Charlie followed them, eager to know where it went. 

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