XVI. We're all different in our own unique way

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Charlie returned to Potter Manor for a day before going back to Hogwarts, on her parents' request. That suited Charlie well, since she wanted to pick up a crystal vial; she knew her father had one somewhere. She searched her fathers lab, where he experimented with potions, but of course, it was locked. "Alohomora." The door didn't budge. "Of course.", she muttered to herself. "Jibby! Jibby!"The house-elf appeared: "What can I do for mistress Charlie?" "Hi Jibby! Oh, that hat looks cute! Did you make it yourself?" "Yes, master." "It suits you. Umm, Jibby?" "Yes?" "I order you to open this door for me." As a direct order, Jibby had to obey and could simply open it with a push. "Thank you, Jibby, you have done me a great service, oh, and please don't tell anyone about this!" "Yes, mistress!" The house-elf disappeared. Charlie looked around and quickly took the vial on the shelf. "Yep, this is crystal", she muttered to herself as she hurried away.

"Charlie!", James yelled as he hugged his sister who had just entered the common room."Hey, James!" "I'm so glad you're okay." "Me too." James smiled and hugged her again. The other girls in her dorm came over too, relieved to see that their roommate was safe and sound. Sirius, Remus and Peter, who were also like her three brothers other than James, lifted her up, chanting: "Charlie has returned! Charlie has returned!" Her teammates clapped her back, saying things like: "Thank god, your back!", or: "Good, we wouldn't have survived with the other keeper!" When Lily entered, she stormed up to Charlie and hugged her tightly. Charlie smiled, but quickly hurried out, down to the Greenhouses, where she picked a mandrake leaf, careful not to wake them. She walked out of the house but was stopped by Mr. Filch. "What were you doing there?" "I forgot my hat in class!", she quickly answered. "Where is your hat now?" "I'm not sure, sir! Turns out it wasn't in class after all." "Very well. But I'll be watching you!" "Tomorrow's full moon, right?" "Yes, why?", Remus answered, shivering at the thought. "No reason." Charlie had a reason. She would have to put the leaf into her mouth tomorrow. "Good night! I'm going to bed!"

Charlie pushed the leaf under her tongue . From now on, she wouldn't speak for a month! "Charlie?", Katie asked. No answer. "Charlie?" Charlie turned to her and raised her eyebrows, hopefully looking questioning. "What are you doing awake?" Charlie just shook her head and climbed into bed. The next morning, Gina woke her. "Charlie! We're late for class!" Charlie nodded and stood up. Good, the leaf was still in her mouth. She and Gina walked to potions in silence. "Mrs. Potter, next time try not to be late!", Professor Slughorn greeted her, and Charlie nodded. In the Great Hall, she didn't talk to James, pretending to be angry with him. "Come on, Messy Hair! Just tell me what I did wrong, alright!" Charlie didn't say a word and continued eating Potatoes, which was hard, because she had to make sure not to swallow the leaf with them. "Charlie! Hello-o, I'm talking to you..." Charlie stood up in silence and left. "Honestly, Padfoot, what did I do?", James asked Sirius confused. "I don't know, but Hey, girls are complicated!" "Yeah, but Charlie isn't like other girls!" Sirius shrugged: "We're all different in our unique own way." "Where did you read that?", Remus asked suspiciously.

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