XXXII. That's not how I want to live my life

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"Yes, indeed. Remus told me all about you, Sirius and Peter." He also shook Sirius' hand, before asking: "I'm sorry, but may I talk to my son alone for a second? Just a quick goodbye." "Of course, Mr. Lupin." 

Sirius pulled the Potter children into the house and quickly stepped through the back door, where he transformed into a dog, before running around the house to eavesdrop on Remus and his father. Charlie and James copied him, but Charlie stopped her brother.

 "Seriously now? Don't you think a stag would be a bit too suspicious? I'll tell you everything though, promised!" and with that she raced after Sirius just in time to hear the really important things. "-if they knew what you were! They'd abandon you on the spot!... Been through this... don't get to attached to anyone... nobody can know-" 

"But Dad! They wouldn't! They would never abandon me!!", Remus protested, "They would do everything to protect me from even the slightest danger! You should've seen Sirius' reaction when someone hissed insults at me! He stupefied him and earned three months of detetion. Three months! For me." "Yes, but they don't know what you are!", Lyall Lupin hissed.

 In that moment, a dog came out of nowhere and started barking at Mr. Lupin, like mad. "Sirius?! ... -ly, Snuffles? Sorry, Dad, that's Snuffles a good friend of mine. Now quit it Snuffles! You're being a bad boy! Bad Snuffles!" 

Sirius whimpered and licked Remus' hand. "Yeah, I love you too, Snuffles. And Dad? Just so you know, even if, if they were to abandon me, does that mean I should abandon them before they get a chance to? No, that's not how I want to live my life." With that, Remus turned on his heels and marched through the door, Sirius followed him demonstratively, looking as arrogant as a dog could possibly look.

"The letters have arrived! Remus' and Sirius' are there too, Dumbledore must know. He's a very fascinating man, don't you think? I remember the day when my mother read aloud the daily prophet, saying that Grindelwald had finally been beaten in a duel by Dumbledore. 

"Horrible man, Grindelwald, almost as horrible as you-know-who. Dark times, these are dark times. Well then, open your letters!", Euphemia told the children at breakfast while handing them their letters. 

"Remus? Are we supposed to call you Head boy now or what?", Sirius joked, but Remus rolled his eyes. "Sirius, we don't even know if I'm headboy! It might as well be Lucius or Kyle. Although I don't reckon it's George." "Oh, come on! Drop it, Moony, we all know you know it will be you!", James intervened.

"As long as it isn't you, James! That would be a disgrace on the name of Potter! And Charlie, you better not be prefect or head girl either, are we clear?", Fleamont joked, making his wife elbow him. 

"Fleamont, don't talk like that! Although we know it isn't James, it's impossible for a non-prefect to become Head boy. And one would say even less possible for a trouble-maker like this!" Euphemia ruffled James' hair, who pulled away. "Aaaand... I'm not Head boy." One could hear the disappointment in Remus' voice, although he tried to hide it.

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