XXXIV. Eww, what is that?

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Charlie bounced off to find Sirius glaring at her. "WHAT did you splash my hair with? It's going to take ages to get ready!" "Simple water, why?" "No, it's not! It's gooey!" Charlie rolled her eyes: "Stop being such a drama queen, drama queen! Here, let me get the water out of your hair." She reached up, but Sirius still had to bend down. Sirius' hair was sticky. Really sticky. "Eww, what is that?" "You tell me!" "I dunno!!" "But you just splashed it on my head!!" "I just took the bottle of water Dad always has on his workplace!", Charlie defended herself. "You what?" Fleamont asked, shocked. "I used your water to splash Sirius' face!" "Charlie, that wasn't water! It was the preparation for the Arnbingwel' potion which needs to stay in a quiet place for twenty-four hours! That took me five months to get so far!!" "Dad, you can't just brew Arnbingwel' potion at home! You know that! It can be poisonous!" "But it can also-" "Sorry to interrupt, but is my hair poisoned now? Can I remove the sticky glue?" Sirius panicked, a look of horror on his face. "No, don't worry, I have some really good hairproducts, that my children refuse to use for some reason, that is absolutely nonsense!", Fleamont raised his voice so Charlie could hear him, who laughed.

"Okay, everyone, we're using Floo Powder to Diagon Alley, Remus, you go first. I trust you not to do any nonsense when without supervision.", Euphemia instructed Remus, while motioning to the fire place. Remus nodded and grabbed into the bag with powder. "Umm, Mrs. Potter? The floo powder bag is empty, I'm afraid you used it up." What? Oh no! We'll have to go the muggle way, because we can't apparate with all of you! Sirius and Remus, you can lend yourself some muggle clothes from James." 

"No need, Mrs. Potter, I like muggle clothing styles, so I have some with me. And mine might fit Remus better because of the, umm, height diffrence." Sirius told Euphemia, while glancing at James who was grumbling something about always being the smallest, apart from Peter, that dwarf! Shortly after, Remus came out of Sirius' room, looking sceptical. "Padfoot, are you sure muggles wear black, leather Jackets and this ridiculous fake earring?" "Positive." "I look stupid!", Remus complained. "Yes, you do!", Sirius agreed, laughing.

 Remus took off the Jacket and t-shirt, while directing himself at James: "Prongs, can I have one of your dwarf clothes instead?" "They aren't dwarf clothes! They're average sixteen-year-old clothes! I won't give them to you, if you insult my height!" Remus sighed: "Fine, I'll just go like this. Is that what you want, James?" Sirius snorted: "Moony? Going shirtless?" "Problem, Black?" "Well, no, but it just doesn't suit you!" "I know! Which is why I want James to give him one of his pullovers!" "Sorry, I only have hoodies!" "That's basically the same thing!" Charlie and James gasped: "No, they are not! Never. Insult. Hoodies. In front. Of. US! Hoodies are saint to Potters!!!"

Not much later they were all ready to go, Remus now wearing a scarlet Hoodie saying "most handsome quidditch player ever!" (James had made it himself) 

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