XLVI. You just didn't get caught, right?

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Every single person in the Great Hall turned around to face the entrance. Charlie knew why, without looking. "Let me guess! The dream couple's coming in?" she asked nobody particular, while turning around. She was right: James and Lily were walking hand-in-hand, oblivious to the fact that everyone was staring at them.

 Lily laughed at something James had said and squeezed his hand. Charlie turned her head back and resumed her dinner. She had mixed feelings about the couple. On the one side, she had wanted for them to come together ever since - well, ever. And they really were the perfect couple, they loved each other so, so much. 

And that was the problem. Charlie knew she was being selfish, and felt really bad about it, but James was neglecting her, or so it seemed to Charlie. He was always with Lily. Cuddling with Lily in the common room, studying with Lily in the library, showing Lily new Flying manoeuvres, helping Lily write a letter home, inviting Lily to Hogsmeade, then going to Hogsmeade with Lily. All the things he usually did with his sister. And when they somehow happened to be seperated for once, what was he talking about non-stop? Exactly, LILY! Charlie quickly shook the dark thoughts off, as James and Lily sat down next to her. 

"I love you, James", she randomly blurted out. "More than baby donkey?" James asked back. "What did you expect- definitely not!" This was an old joke between James and Charlie, when they were smaller, the siblings had seen some baby donkeys and Charlie had stated how much she loved the baby donkey. Who was now probably a not-so-baby-donkey, anymore.

 James laughed and patted Charlie's head. Then, he turned to Lily yet again, and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Goodnight, James. Lily." Charlie stated, while standing up to leave. The fact that James didn't seem to notice that she hadn't finished yet, because he was to busy with Lily, made Charlie feel really ticked off. 

James didn't even respond, so she left for dorm. Alone. While brushing her teeth, Charlie remembered what day tomorrow was. Her birthday! It just had to be a lucky day! The eleventh of November. James had always considered eleven his lucky number. Because of her. And now it was probably something with Lily. Maybe 111? 01/11? "Don't care.", she muttered to herself. After all, tomorrow was her birthday, she'd get to spend time with her brother. Right? Charlie blinked twice, yawning and slowly getting out of bed, before remembering what day it was. Her Birthday! She opened the curtains enthusiastically, making the girls groan. "It's in the middle of the night, Charlie. What are you doing?", Katie moaned. "No it isn't! The sun is shining, silly!" An owl, whom Charlie recognised as Regulus' owl, swooped in and dropped a note. Her heart beating fast, she picked it up.

Dear Charlie,

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's your Birthday today, isn't it? I still have a present for you. Would you come to the black lake today at 4pm, so I can give it to you and also apologise properly? I hope you can make it.


Your Regulus

Charlie smiled. "That's so nice of him!", she mumbled to herself. "What's so nice of who?", Gina asked. "Nothing", Charlie hastily said and stuck the note into her pocket, "Fancy Breakfast?" The girls all accepted, except Mia, who said: "Sorry, I'm on a carb diet." "What? Mia, you really don't need it!", Abigail told her friend unbelievingly. "Easy for you to say! You don't have to carry my extra pounds around! And besides, how am I supposed to get a date, when I look like this?" Charlie rolled her eyes: "First of all: You look perfect. And second: That was fat shaming." "No, it wasn't! I have nothing whatsoever against people who weigh a bit more! I just don't want to weigh that much! Mia fake-punched Charlie, who just laughed: "Does that mean you're eating breakfast with us?" "No, but I'll join you at the table", Mia decided. Katie sighed: "I guess that's the best we can expect from you..."

The Potter's family owl swooped in and dropped a parcel together with a letter.
"Yuck! Did you have to drop the letter into the jam?", Charlie complained, while wiping the strawberry-flavoured jam off the envelope before opening it. Inside was a card with quidditch hoops sticking out, and a Quaffle floating around, always being catched by the red cloaked figure on a broom, which Charlie figured was her. She opened it, grinning widely. The card immediately began to sing Happy Birthday, and when it had finished, her parents voice could be heard. "Happy Birthday, sweetie! Fourteen! Have a nice birthday and enjoy your present, which I trust you haven't opened yet. Right? You always open the card first. Speaking of the card, do you like it? Dad spend hours making the Keeper, which is, obviously, you. I did the hoops and Quaffle! We love you so, so much!"

Then, her father's message was heard: "As your mother said, Happy Birthday! I heard there's a Quidditch match going on next week, but it's Ravenclaw against Slytherin, am I right? Speaking of Slytherin, make sure you beat them in your next match, unlike last year, when you, err, ended up in the hospital wing... Anyways, which pranks did you already pull off this year? Mum swears, none, but between the two of us - you just didn't get caught, right? Enjoy your birthday! And your present! Actually, I have sent you another package, but make sure Mum doesn't see it! We love you, Charlie, so enjoy your day!"

 Charlie grinned widely and ripped open the package that came with the card. It was a broom service kit, along with a book she had seen in Diagon Alley. Katie gasped: "It's your birthday?! Why didn't you say so? I didn't get you anything, now I feel bad!" "No need to, Katie! It's alright, really." "No, no, no! I'll get you something for tomorrow." 

"Since my brain works better than Katie's-" Gina started, but was interrupted by Katie's "Hey!" "- I got you a little something!", she finished and threw a package onto Charlie's lap. "For Godric's sake, thank you, thank you, thank you!!" Charlie exclaimed when she realized it was the booby-trapped telescope from Zonko's. 

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