XXXIII. Mixed up letters.

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"Aww, I'm so sorry Remus! Well, we know you would have deserved that more than anyone!", Euphemia tried to comfort him, while James snorted with laughter, earning him a death glare from, well, everyone. "Sorry! It's just, you did get Head boy, Remus! They just, pff, they mixed up your letter with mine! Here, your badge." James bent over the table and pinned the Head boy badge onto Remus' shirt, but it disappeared, just to reappeare in James' hand. Confused, James pinned it on Remus' chest again, but the same thing happened again. "Charlie, is this one of your products? Because it isn't funny!", James told his sister angrily, while trying to give the badge to Remus for the seventh time. "No, I swear! ...although it's hilarious", she snickered, making James huff in frustration. Now words appeared in the air.

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry would like to recall to Head boy James Potter that the post can't be handed over to anyone else.

​​​​​​Everyone stared at James in shock. "Wait... you're head boy?", Sirius broke the silence. "But that's impossible. It's impossible unless James was prefect last year. Which he wasn't.... Or was he and hid it from us?? James Fleamont Potter, is that true? Or wait - Charlie? You should know!" "Dad, Moony was prefect last year. There must have been an error and now the badge is just magically attached to James. Nothing Pr. Dumbledore can't fix. We'd better write him", Charlie pondered. "Umm, guys? there's another letter in here." James cleared his throat: "Dear Mr. Potter, we know this might come a bit suprising for you and everyone else, but we have decided to make you Head boy. You might think that that is impossible, since not you, but young Mr. Lupin was prefect last year. Yes, it would've been impossible, but we have our reasons and have thus decided that you would make the best Head boy. Sincerely, Deputy Headmistress McGonagall."

"Children?", Euphemia called. "Yes, mum?" Charlie got out of her room sleepily. "Get the boys out of bed and into the kitchen, we need to go to Diagon Alley" Euphemia asked her daughter. "On it!" Charlie saluted and opened the door to James' room as wide as possible, letting all the light stream in. "Time to get u-up! C'mon, Mum's in the kitchen, waiting!", she yelled in the sweetest possible voice. Charlie slid down the stair railing to floors down and splashed water in Sirius' face, giggling "I've always wanted to try this! UP!" Then she opened the door to the second guest room, in which Remus was sleeping. Gently, she approached his bed and patted Remus' arm. "Remus? My mum is waiting in the kitchen. We're going to Diagon Alley, Remmy... Come on, don't be so lazy!", Charlie hugged Remus who yawned. "Co-o-o-ming", he agreed between yawns. "Charlie Potter, come here right now!", Sirius' voice came from the third floor bathroom. 

A/N: So, I'm really, really sorry for not updating (again), but at least I have a valid excuse this time. I was sick, but I'm better now, so yeah, here's the first update.

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