XLII. Slug-club! Yay.

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"I can't believe it, James!" Charlie huffed frustrated, as she walked back to the common room with the Marauders. "Dressing up wasn't a requirement and you just made that up, so I could embarrass me, or what?" "How is it embarrassing to dress up?", Sirius asked.

"It isn't. Only if I'm the only one along with four freaks!" "Oh, come on! You're exaggerating! Almost everyone was dressed up as something", Peter scolded. "Yeah, but that's not the point! You lied to me!" "A minute ago, that was exactly your point.", James remarked, making Charlie huff again. 

"As soon as I get to the common room, I'm changing..." "No, you're not! Did you forget Professor Slughorn is hosting an additional Halloween party for his favorite students? Meaning us. And we're late.", Remus stopped her.

They all let out a groan, Charlie and James, because they had forgotten all about it and Sirius and Peter, because they were going to have to come up with something, so they didn't die of boredom. Remus took James by one and Charlie by the other hand and literally pulled them to Slughorn's office which was nicely decorated, Charlie had to give him that.

"Ah, good day to you, Mr. Lupin. Although, I don't see anyone you've brought..." "I'm taking Charlie, Professor Slughorn.", Remus replied. Slughorn nodded and went to greet some other guests. James and Charlie gawked. "Uh, whaaaaat? Moony, you do know that, well, we normally go together and, umm, Charlie doesn't seem to know of this either...?" 

Remus nodded: "Yes, I'm aware of that, but as Charlie and I both failed to ask someone, it worked out perfectly for all of us." James stared at Remus unbelieving: "Err, Remus? What about me... And..." "Oh, come on, James! You're head boy, you should've read the requirements! And I mean the real requirements. Not some made up requirements regarding the clothing for the Halloween feast." "... What requirements?" 

"The one for Head Boy and Girl!" "... Oh! Yes, I remember a list of requirements! Never read it, though." Remus face palmed. "James. Fleamont. Potter. I highly recommend reading it, if you don't want to embarrass yourself every two seconds. For example, at dances like this. Head Boy and Girl are the leading pair."

James' eyes widened in shock. "You mean- I have to dance with Lily?!... Uh, not that I mind, but... I-I'm horrible at dancing! I've never- I hate... she's going to think of me as a complete idiot!" "She already does. Mind the dance, Potter?", Lily's voice came from behind. She laughed. "Just follow my lead." James blushed hard but didn't object and followed Lily to the dance floor. Remus chuckled and Charlie grinned widely. James seemed to do alright and more and more couples started dancing.

"I want to dance too. Remus?" "Why, of course, Lady Potter." "That sounds stupid. And I'm warning you, I can't dance either.", Charlie laughed. "Just follow my lead. Wait, can you even reach my shoulders?" "Yes. It's okay like this." "No, it isn't. You can't dance on your toes and even that way, you can only touch my shoulder with your fingertips. Wait-I'll just bend down a bit." Remus was a really good dancer. Charlie was not. When they danced past James and Lily, they heard Lily say: "In the last minute, you stepped on my toes at least twenty times. Some might call it a disaster, but I call it a progress." Remus laughed at that and repeated the same phrase when Charlie next stepped on his foot, meaning, only a few seconds later. "Charlie? Is it okay, if we stop now? My back is hurting from bending down. And so do my toes..." "Your toes are hurting from bending down?" "No, of course not! They're just hurting!" "Okay, let's stop", Charlie chuckled and they both made their way from the dance floor, laughing. 

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