XV. How to become an Animagus

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"Wow! I didn't know you were an Animagus, Healer Michelle!", Charlie exclaimed fascinated. "Yes, I'm a 'amsteur", the healer told her with her French accent. "Wow! Can you transform into a hamster now?" "Ah, oui, oui!" the healer disappeared and instead there stood a tiny hamster. "Aww." Michelle transformed again and stood in front of Charlie in her human form again. "How did you become one?" "Ah I cannot tell you zat..." "Please! Just... out of curiosity." "It took me seven monzz to complete!" "How did you do it?" "I can't tell you zat!" "Please! If, if I became one, maybe it would be easier with my disease? I read that somewhere!" "You are right, but..." "Please help me become one!" "Under van condition!", Healer Michelle considered,"I am not directly involved, and you registeur yourself!" "But of course!" "Very good, I vill give you a scroll wiz ze instructions!" "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"  

"WHAT?!", Charlie exclaimed after reading the scroll.

Step one

Carry a single Mandrake leaf in your mouth for a month, to be precise from full moon to full moon. Do not interrupt the process, or you will have to start over again.

Step two

Find a small crystal vial and put the leaf and one of your hairs. Add a silver teaspoon of dew from a place untouched by sunlight or human feet. Now add a cocoon from a moth to the vial. Now put the mixture in a quiet, dark place and leave it alone, don't even look at it, until the next electrical storm.

Step three

While you wait for the storm, you must place your wand tip to your heart at every sunrise and -down, while speaking following incantation: "Amato Animo Animato Animagus" As soon as lightning appears in the sky, go to the place where you've hidden the crystal vial.

Step four

If done right, you will discover a mouthful of blood-red liquid inside your vial. Find a quiet place where you won't disturb anyone during your transformation.

Step five

Place your wand tip against your heart and speak the incantation "Amato Animo Animato Animagus". Now drink the potion in exactly three gulps. You will then feel a fiery pain and an intense double-heartbeat.

Step six

The shape of the animal you will transform into will now appear in your mind. Don't do anything except focus on that image. You will now transform into this animal. To transform back into a human, it suffices to picture your human form again.

Healer Michelle smiled. "Do you still plan on becoming an Animagus?" "I'm not sure. Could you give me some time to read the scroll again and decide?" "Very well then. I will leave the scroll with you." Michelle exited the room and Charlie quickly started copying the scroll. She was planning on returning the scroll to the healer and say that she decided not to become an Animagus after all. Charlie did feel a bit bad, for lying Healer Michelle in the face, but what choice did she have?

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