XVII. Mega Astonishing Prank articles?

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Charlie put on her swimsuit and went to the lake. She had decided to do it the same way, healer Michelle had told her she had done. She performed a charm so a bubble of air would stay around her head, because she would be diving deep. Charlie swam a bit closer to the middle, where she dived for it. At the bottom of the Lake, she scooped up some seaweed into a bag, to prevent sunlight from falling upon it. She reappeared at the surface, where she smiled to herself. She hurried to the forbidden forest, careful not to be seen, where she placed the earth somewhere in the shade. On her way back, she met James who was desperately trying to figure out why she wasn't talking to him for two weeks. She ignored him and went to the dormitory, where the other girls shot her strange looks. Everybody had noticed something was off with her.

"I'm writing a letter to Evans", James declared, making Remus and Sirius jump up: "No, James, don't destroy everything we've worked for this year! Remember: No letters. No asking her out. No detention." James sighed. "Not like that, guys! I'll ask her-" "NO! We said: No asking her out!" "Let me finish, Remus! I'll ask her if she knows why Charlie isn't talking to me anymore!" "Oh. That's alright, I suppose..."

 "Remus! Sirius!!! Look! Quick, Moooony! Peter?! Look!!!" "What's wrong, James? Did you discover something on the map?!", Sirius asked, racing into the common room from his dorm. "What? No, you have the map, dummy!" "No, I don't." "Do, Padfoot, I gave it to you!" "No!" "Oh my Merlin! Sirius! Don't tell me, you lost the map!!!" "I didn't! You did! Oh gods, oh gods! The map!" Remus came in: "What is it? I heard you call, Prongs." "Sirius lost the MAP!" "You WHAT?!" "No, I didn't! I never had the map! James did!" "No, Padfoot! YOU lost the map! Oh no, what are we gonna do, what are we going to do?!" "What is going on here?" "Waaaah! Oh, Lily! What are you doing here? You scared me!" "It's Evans to you, Potter." "Sure, Evans. Sorry." "Now, what is going on? I'm a prefect. Besides I don't believe you're that devastated, because you lost a MAP, right?" "You lost the map?! Moony, how could you let this happen?" Peter, who had just entered the common room, joined the argument. "Me? I never had the map! It's Sirius or James!" "No, I'm pretty sure you had it." Everyone turned to look at Remus. "So YOU lost the map! I am never going to forgive you!" "I did not! Wormtail got it wrong, Padfoot!" "WHAT IS ALL THIS FUSS ABOUT A STUPID MAP?!" Lily yelled.

 "Waaah! Jeez, you scared me (again)!" "I asked you a question." Sirius mumbled: "Umm, uh, it's a very important map and..." "I don't believe you for a second, Black." "It's not a map, Lily", Remus intervened, "It's, umm, M.A.P. which stands for...Mega...Astonishing...Prank?" "Mega astonishing prank?" "Prank-articles?" "So, long story short... You lost some prank-articles? Remus, I thought better of you. You are a prefect. If you ever happen to find those prank-articles, you should confiscate them. Oh, and don't you think "Marauders' astonishing prank-articles" sounds better? Not that you're going to need the name, now that they are CONFISCATED." "But Lily! The map- I mean the M.A.P. is reaaaally important!" "I can't see why, Black. And like I told Potter before, it's Evans to you.", Lily turned on her heels and left. 

There was a moment of silence before Sirius asked: "So, why did you actually call us?" "Huh? Oh yeah! Come quick, guys! Lily answered my letter!", James showed them the piece of paper, "And look here! She signed with "Lots of Love, your Lily"!!!This is great!" "Umm, James, I hate to break this to you but did you read the PS?" "Huh? PS: Don't get your hopes up; I'm just used to sign my letters with "lots of love", and now I can't erase it, so, as I said, don't get your hopes up, Potter!", James read aloud, "Oh, f*** it." "Language.", Remus reminded him kindly before walking of.

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