XVIII. Is that a leaf in your mouth

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Charlie scribbled something on a piece of parchment. When the Marauders came in, she held it right in front of there nose. Today's full moon, right? "Yep!", the four of them say in sync.  Charlie raised her fist in the air and walked of happily. She couldn't wait to remove the mandrake leaf. It had become the most disgusting thing in the whole wide world (after the rotten eggs flavored Bertie Botts', maybe)! Charlie ran up to her dorm to wait for the dark. She dressed warm under her pyjamas, when she had an idea. James' invisibility cloak! Well, actually it was their cloak, they had to share it, but James used it way more. She hurried into his dorm and searched his trunk. "What are you doing here?", Sirius' voice made Charlie jump. "Cloak", she mouthed. "I'm sorry, you can't have that. We already need it today." Charlie crossed her arms. "Nope", Sirius smirked. Charlie opened her mouth and screamed silently, careful not to lose the leaf. "Wait! Is that a leaf in your mouth?!" Charlie quickly shook her head, while doing so, she found the cloak. Sirius was sitting on it. Charlie ran towards him, making Sirius think she was charging towards him. He quickly stood up and Charlie grabbed the cloak, running to the girls' dormitory as fast as she could. But Sirius was fast too and grabbed her by the shoulders. Luckily, in exactly that moment, Lily entered the common room. "Sirius Orion Black!", she barked. "Evans! How do you even know my middle name?!" "What. Are. You. Doing?!" Charlie took her chance and freed herself from Sirius.

Charlie threw the cloak over herself and walked to the forbidden forest. This was so exciting! She found the place where she had left the sea weed and was happy to see that droplets of dew had formed. She removed the mandrake leaf and put it into her crystal vial. She also added a hair of hers. Charlie was about to pull out the silver tea spoon she had nicked from the great hall, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Waaaaah!", Charlie spun around attempting to cover the vial. But it wasn't a hand, simply the snout of a stag. "Oh! You scared me!" The stag looked at Charlie, can a stag look furious? He pulled at the invisibility cloak, but Charlie  held it tight. "Nah-ah-ah! That isn't yours." The stag rutted and galloped away. Charlie shook her head and smiled. She quickly collected a teaspoon of dew and added it to the vial. This was a dark place, so she left the vial here. Okay, now she wasn't aloud to look at it until the next electrical storm. Seriously?

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus", Charlie murmured. "Charlie?", Charlie quickly hid her wand. "Yes? Oh, it's you, Gina!" "Yeah, wanna go to the library?", Gina asked. "Okay, sure, why not. Exams are coming anyway. "The two of them walked through the corridors in silence, until Gina asked: "Why didn't you talk to anyone for so long?" "I-because-", Charlie started, but was interrupted by her brother, who had approached them silently from behind. "Yes, tell us, Charlie." "I don't have to answer that." "Yes, you do, Messy Hair!" "No, and you know that." James huffed and left. "Please tell me, Charlie!" "No, Gina, I'm sorry. But it has something to do with my disease." "Oh. Would you mind if I asked, what your disease is, precisely?" "I had it in my genes anyway, although it was most unlikely it would erupt. But I was poisoned, and the poison caused the disease to erupt and it even made the effects worse", Charlie shrugged, "Not that I can do anything about it." "You were poisoned?!" "Yes, my parents are Aurors, you know. The poison was probably meant for them." "I thought your father made potions?" "Yes, that's his hobby."

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