XL. My brother

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"Checkmate." Gina smiled at Charlie as her rook move forward. Charlie frowned: "But that's not - huh?! Argh, why do you keep beating me?!" "I play chess, since I was - what - three?" Charlie sighed: "I'd give anything to see you beaten by anyone just one time!"

"And if it were Avery? Or Mulciber?" "They don't have the brains." "What about Black though? I mean, Bellatrix." "She graduated last year." "So? Does that mean that she can't play chess anymore?" "Okay... I really want to see you beaten, but... Bellatrix Black really isn't nice... okay, she's evil, pure evil." 

"I hear she joined the death eaters", Mia commented. "Woah! That's my cousin you're talking about!" Sirius seated himself in the same armchair Charlie was sitting in, seemingly offended. Mia went all red: "Sorry, I didn't mean- I-I thought-sorry!" It looked as if she were at the verge of hyperventilating due to the mere fact of Sirius being in her presence and actually acknowledging her. Sirius laughed loudly, that sort of laugh all the girls found so 'cute' and 'charming'. "Don't worry, kiddo, I hate the f***ing -umm, cow" Charlie pushed him from the armchair, he was squeezing her to death, as the armchair was way too small for both of them: "Language." "I only said cow!" "But you also said f***ing."

"Hey, Charlie, wait up!" Charlie turned around to see a figure running towards her. A boy, presumably. He was wearing his cloak hood and she couldn't recognize the house. The boy came to a halt in front of her, panting. When he looked up, Charlie saw it was Dexter. "Oh, it's you." She smiled: "What's up, Dex?" "Nothing, really. I just saw you and thought I might greet you!" 

"Wow, that's nice of you! I'm going to the library for a study-session with my brother. Wanna come?" "Who's your brother?" "Remus Lupin." Dex stared at Charlie: "I didn't know Remus Lupin had a sister! I thought he was an only child! That's the guy who always hangs with James Potter and Sirius Black, right? Sorry, I shouldn't refer to him as "James Potter and Sirius Black's friend", he has a personality of his own." "Doesn't matter, Dex! So, do you want to come or not?", Charlie laughed, deciding not to clear up the whole brother-thing just yet. "If your brother's okay with it, sure!"

Together, Charlie and Dexter walked to the library, where Remus was already sitting in a corner, all the books they needed arranged around him. "Hi, Moony! I brought a friend, is that okay? This is Dexter." "Hello. I'm Remus, nice to meet you." Remus held out his hand and Dex shook it. Charlie grabbed the first book next to her, but before beginning to read, she asked: "Where's James anyway?" "James is patrolling the corridors together with Lily. Kind of enjoys it." Charlie laughed: "Typical. Wow, I just noticed-I haven't talked to Lily in a long while!"

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