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Charlie stared at Regulus in shock. "No. No, Reg, that's a dark mark!" "I'm well aware of that", he coldly stated. "Wh-Wh- Explain yourself!" "What do you mean, Explain yourself? That was my decision, and I don't regret it."

"Why would you do that?! It's wrong, Reg, all wrong!", Charlie practically yelled. "Then we'll agree to disagree"

"This is not just a disagreement! People are getting killed, Regulus! You think you're all grown-up now. Oh, I don't need mummy's help to kill anymore, I'm so great, I'm so perfect. And a murderer told me I could help killing and I got a tattoo, Oh, I am sooooooo grown-up! ", Charlie scoffed at him.

"I'm warning you, Potter...", Regulus growled. "Oh, because now we're back to 'Black' and 'Potter'!" That irritated Regulus a bit, but he didn't show it. "Apparently we are."

"Fine!", Charlie yelled and turned away, arms crossed. "Fine!", Regulus yelled and stuck his nose in the air.

They remained that way for a few seconds, before Charlie grabbed her new broomstick and whispered: "I guess the broom was supposed to appease me then, huh?"

Charlie wanted to give it back to him, tell him he could keep his stupid broom. But the problem was, she really loved the broom. It was so fast, and she couldn't wait to fly more on it.

So, she mounted the broom and flew down from the hoops, angry tears in her eyes. Furious, she wiped them away. Stupid Regulus! Stupid broom! Stupid Birthday! Stupid world!

Charlie stormed down the Hogwarts grounds, her broom in her hand, not knowing where she was heading. She ran faster and faster, just wanting to get away from everything. She tripped and got up again, stumbling forward, blinded by tears. She wasn't crying sad tears, it was just because she was angry.

It was quite annoying, but Charlie always cried when she was angry. Suddenly, she bumped into something. She looked up to see a huge man with a bushy beard look down on her. Charlie recognized him as the gamekeeper, Mr. Harrgid, or something like that.

"Sorry, sir", she mumbled and attempted to continue running, but Mr. Harrgid gently stoped her.

"What's wrong, eh?" "Nothing, sir", Charlie replied, that was none of his business! "Ah, okay, ya don' have to talk about it, if ya don' wanna. Ya know what, how about some tea, I have some in me hut down there."

Charlie smiled, Mr. Harrgid was looking at her expectantly, she just couldn't say no. "That would be very kind of you, sir." "Please, call me Hagrid, will ya?" Oops. Mr. Hagrid, not Harrgid. "O...kay, I'm Charlie", she answered hesistating.


"Here's ya tea, Charlie", Hagrid said, and handed her a mug with a wonderful dragon on it. "Thanks, Hagrid", she replied, smiling. "Ah, no problem at all, I don' mind company, eh."  "What's his name?", Charlie asked, referring to the puppy that she was patting.
"Fang, although the name isn't so fitting, he can be a bloody coward, I'm tellin' ya!", Hagrid answered "I like him", Charlie stated. "Yeah, he's a sweetheart, ain't he!", Hagrid said lovingly. "Yes, he is", she agreed.

"Ah, well, what were ya doin' anyway?", the gamekeeper asked. Charlie hesitated before answering: "I-umm, I had a fight with my friend."

Hagrid smiled and said: "I see, that's tough. When I was, erm, expelled in me third year, every single one o' my friends turned away from me. But Dumbledore allowed me to stay here. Great man, Dumbledore. Anyways, point is: I made new friends, some students like to come an' visit, an' they have similar problems, ya know.

"Most of them made up with their friends. Some of them didn't. But they always went back to being happy. Well, except that one guy, Felix. He, uh, you know what? Let's not talk about that right now." "Oh, umm, okay?", Charlie agreed bemused.

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