XXXVIII. Rumor travels fast

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Just when Charlie was about to slide open another compartment door, Abigail slid it open from the inside. "Charlie! It's you!" "And it's you too! Hey Mia! Hi Katie! And Gina! Aww man, so good to see you all!" "So good to see you too, Charlie!" Katie replied, smiling warmly. Everyone apart from Gina and Abigail, who were standing in the doorway, was sitting on the floor of the compartment. Charlie settled down next to Katie and high-fived everyone. "So how were your summer holidays, guys?", she asked into the round.

Katie was the first to respond: "I spend a week in Ireland at my mother's cousin's place and it was really wonderful! The landscape in Ireland! Everything's so green! Your turn, Abigail!" "Oh, umm, nothing interesting. Just chilling at home and sometimes hanging with the neighbours' daughter. She's my age, but she's a muggle, so it was kind of hard to talk with her. Charlie?" "No, no, I'll save mine for last! Gina, how were your holidays?"

"I spent my holidays at my brother's place. He has a wife, Molly Prewett, well, now Weasley, but anyway, she's expecting another child, that would be their fourth now. They really hope it's a girl! I played a lot with the two older, Bill and Charlie, but I also took care of little Percy, although not so much. But honestly, the place is wonderful, they have, like a private forest! Well, it isn't really theirs, but no-one ever goes there! Mia?" "We spend the summer in a hotel in Mallorca, run by a muggle-wizard couple. The man was a wizard and the woman a muggle, but she knew enough of our world. And now it really is your turn, Charlie."

"Well, nothing to spectacul-" Mia cut her off: "You can't say that! I heard Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were staying over!" "Umm, well yeah, Padfoot ran away from home and turned up on our doorstep and Remus- wait, how do you know that?!" "Rumor travels fast. But Charlie! You spend your summer with the hottest, most handsome and popular boys in all Hogwarts and you describe your summer with the words "nothing spectacular"! Honestly, Potter, you're probably the only person on earth to have the nerves to do that!" 

"Umm, thanks, I guess? But seriously, 'Rumor travels fast'? I mean, it does, at Hogwarts maybe! But you were in Mallorca for goodness' sake!" "Yes, but Rylee Pence, a Ravenclaw in our year, and I wrote a lot and she heard from her brother who is friends with a Hufflepuff in fifth-sorry, now sixth year whose cousin's daughter is a girl who has a best friend who has a sister who's friends with THE Marlene McKinnon, Queen of gossip and my absolute idol! Well anyways, Marlene is friends with Lily Evans, who is friends with Remus! And Remus wrote her, that he was visiting the Potters along with Sirius!"

Everyone stared at Mia. "Okaaay, how can you memorise all that?" "I guess it's because I'm so passionate about gossip." She shrugged, luckily not hearing Abbie's comment that went along the lines of: "I should be worried about you" "Well, anyway, please go on with your tale, Charlie!", Mia urged her friend. "Huh? Oh yeah, umm, so the main event is that Sirius ran away from home and that JAMES got head boy!" "JAMES GOT HEADBOY?!", Mia screamed. "Yup, we all thought it was going to be Remmy, but..." "Charlie, that's-" "-impossible, I know, Gina. But Professor McGonagall wrote that they had their reasons."

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