XXXI. Moony is co-ming!

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"They beat you up?!" Sirius laughed dryly. "If you're lucky! I got the gash with some sort of spell. But, no, mostly they use the Cruciatus curse. "But that's illegal!" "Try to tell them!" "That's... horrible! Why would anyone do that?!" Sirius shook his head at Charlie and pulled her onto his lap, hugging her. "Not everyone is such a softie like you.", he whispered. "I'm not a softie!", she immediately protested, and Sirius threw her onto the neatly done bed, tickling her. 

"Aaaah! Stop! Stop!" Charlie fought back, but Sirius was way stronger. She grabbed a pillow and started a pillow fight with her non-biological brother, until Sirius suddenly held both pillows in his hands, with no other pillow in the room. "No, please stop now, it isn't funny anymore!", she told him wearily. 

 Sirius let go of her, grinning broadly. Charlie grinned back and asked: "You said you hated your brother. Is that true? Because it didn't sound like that." "No. No, I don't hate Regulus. He is my brother. He'll always be. I care for him, I really do, but he's to soft to see the wrongness in everything." 

"If you love him, why did you leave him?" "I didn't leave him!" "You did, actually" "No. No, no, no, no, no! I didn't – he's still – why would I-" "I don't blame you", Charlie lied. "No, I didn't leave him there!" "You pretty much did, Sirius!" Charlie stood up and nodded before slowly closing the door behind her.

"Moony is co-ming! Moony is co-ming!", Sirius and James chanted, while racing through every single corridor in Potter Manor. "Okay, we got it! Remus is staying over for the rest of the holidays! Now shut it!", Charlie roared through her locked door. 

The boys paused for a moment before resuming they're chanting at the top of their voices. "Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum! Tell them to shut up!", Charlie yelled. "Boys, would you please keep it down a little. Your sister has become a bit teenagerish..." "Mu-um! That's not even a word!" Charlie opened her door and glared at her mother. 

Euphemia just smiled cockily and waved at her daughter who slammed the door frustrated. She was trying to read Regulus' response and didn't want anyone to see, obviously.

Dear Charlie,

I'm sorry to have to decline your offer again, but I have made up my mind. Please don't kill your brother, you'll regret it. I can't thank you enough for... well, everything you did for me. Why do you even do this for me? You hardly even know me, and you offered to take me in!

 Maybe we can practice Quidditch together sometime at Hogwarts, I know you love Quidd

Again, sorry, but I can't accept your offer.



Charlie stared at the letter. Wasn't it obvious, why she did this? She couldn't bring herself to turn down anybody's need for help. That was only human, right? Surely everyone thought like that! Everyone she knew, would! Or was that only a Gryffindor thing? Or just a not-Black thing. Except for Sirius. He would die rather than let anyone suffer through him. 

"Moony is co-ming! Moony is co-ming!" Charlie heard the boys running in her corridor again and felt the urge to slap them. "Just shut up alright!", she yelled at them. "Aww, someone is moody...", Sirius teased her. "Yeah, don't you like Remmy staying over? No?" James joined in.

 "What? Of course, I like him staying – wait!", Charlie gasped, realizing what they had been chanting, "Moony is co-ming! Moony is co-ming!" She pulled the boys through the house, who now started chanting with her too.

"Mooooooooooooooooooooooonyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" Three voices greeted Remus as he was just about to ring the doorbell. The door slammed open and James, Sirius and Charlie jumped at him and hugged him. "Woah, Woah, Woah! Chill, guys!" "Yes! Moony is the-ere! Moony is the-ere!", they sang, while Remus looked at them confused.

 "Yeaaaaah, I'm here. So, umm, chocolate?" He held out a chocolate tablet and Sirius and Charlie broke off a piece, while James declined. Someone cleared their throat behind them and they spun around. "Oh, you must be Mr. Lupin, right? Pleased to meet you, I'm James." James held out his hand an Mr. Lupin shook it, although seemingly distracted.

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