IV. Keep your paws of my boyfriend

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"Hi, Helena. Nice to hear that you think James is awesome, but leave your paws of my boyfriend", Charlie interrupted her with a smile making James stare at her incredulously. Helena frowned. "What? But he's single. And he... he... what?! I mean, you're way to young for him anyway and-", she stammered. Charlie pursed her lips and yanked Helena away, where the marauders couldn't hear them. She hissed: "I'm a year and two weeks older than Jamie. I got hit by the Agadarum virus, making me look another age every few days. I was ninety-nine years old yesterday and believe me, that is not something you want to experience. But the doctors will have me all fixed up in a few days, so you'll see that I'll be back to my normal self!" Helena lifted her chin and demanded: "Well, why haven't I ever seen you at Hogwarts?" "I'm being home schooled by a private tutor, Barty Crouch, you might have heard of him, he's an auror", Charlie continued spinning together more lies. "Heard of him?! He's famous! Who are you?! How can you even afford that?" "My name's Alice. I'm a singer, so maybe you know one of my songs? Amortentia is currently my biggest hit." Charlie started humming the tune under her breath: "Baby, chase me with your lo-ove, not with a stupid potion. I'd love you, but I can't, not with that stupid potioooooooon. Yeah! Amor-ten! Ti! A-ah-ahhhhhhhh. It ain't do no good! Oh! Oh!" "But that's – that's from Allie Moon! You're ALLIE MOON! Ohhhh, can I have an autograph?" "Sorry, no can do, Helena, I don't give autographs to girls who try to steal James from me." "But I- I swear I never wanted to take James away from you! You're the PERFECT couple!" "That's what you say now. But okay. In exchange for a galleon." "But, sorry, Allie, but you never ask money for autographs." "Well, nobody has EVER tried to take my boyfriend from me." "Okay then. I'll give you a galleon, but I'll have five autographs. For my friends." "That's fair. Your friends never approached Jamie." Helena smiled carefully. "Umm, I don't have a photo of you with me, do you?" "Well, usually I do, but not in hospital, no. But, uh, as far as I know there's a shop in the park where we can buy my t-shirts. Don't worry, I'll pay." Charlie gave Helena directions and told her to meet her in five minutes."

"Okay, so guys, she thinks I'm Allie Moon and your girlfriend, James. Act along, please." "No way! I am not going to do that, Charlie." "Her name's Allie", Peter corrected, earning him a huge smile from Charlie." Sirius nodded enthusiastically and Remus mumbled something along the lines of: "Yup, she's James's sister." "Please James." "Okay, but how does she even believe you?! I mean, you look nothing like Allie Moon and you're obviously way to young to be her, or my girlfriend." "Plus, he already fancies Li- Ouch! No need to elbow me, Prongs! Everyone knows already! You ask her out like, every day." "Wait- James...has a CRUSH?! Oh my MerIin, I can't wait to tell Mum and Dad!" "Don't you DARE!" "Aww, is itty-witty-Jamesie-boy afraid of Daddy's reaction? And is itty-witty-Jamesie-boy also in loooove? Is he? Is he?" "No, I'm not. I lost a bet, saying Sirius spread that rumour. But it isn't true!", but he didn't sound convincing. In that moment, Helena arrived.

"Allie? I'm back with the shirts, but no need to pay, they had way to many and so they only costed a few Knuts each." "Okay then, James can I borrow your wand? Mine's back in my room." "Sure, love", James chirped, only to imitate vomiting when Helena turned back to Charlie. The latter cast a simple inking spell and wrote "Best wishes, to Helena" and scribbled an A melting with a half moon underneath. "And the others?" "Felicity, Amy, Steph and Ann" Charlie repeated the message on each t-shirt, inserting the other girls' names. "There you are, Helena. Now pay up." Helena scampered a galleon out of her pocket and placed it in Charlie's hand. "There. Thanks again, Allie. Bye!" She scrambled away and Remus immediately scolded her: "That went to far. I'm sorry but you asked her for money. Money that you yourself possess enough of." Charlie suddenly felt bad for Helena. Maybe one galleon wasn't something she could so easily afford. "I- umm, I'll pay her back one day. For now, let's go buy some chocolate. I hope you like chocolate, because they don't sell anything else sweet. I myself love chocolate, but a lot of patients complain." Peter grinned: "Remus absolutely loves chocolate. Right, Moony?" Remus pursed his lips but sighed: "I do."

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