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Charlie was reading in her room, when an owl pecked her window. She was sure to already have seen it somewhere else. She opened her window and took the letter.

Dear Charlotte Potter (I'll just call you that, because I do not know how else),

You might wonder why I write you, but who else is there? Please, I beg you, don't tell a soul of this letter and what I write in it!

I (Regulus Black) wanted to ask you if Sirius has arrived at your place lately. He has run away from here. I suspect he might think of Potter Manor to go to, first. He always told me, how kind you all were. How Mrs. Potter was more of a mother to him from the first second on, then our has ever been! He left this horrible house, because... well, you can imagine. And yes, I second that, no matter what I pretend. We live in a horrible house with a horrible family. He left me here. Up until now, we still had a good relationship, helped and cared for each other. Took blames for the other one and only just survived the punishments, because we knew we were sparing our brother from the pain. Why am I even telling you this? I don't know, but who else is there?

I'd be grateful if you sent an answer,


Charlie had to admit, she was extremely surprised, when she read this. Regulus was ever so polite in it! She read the letter again and then began to write.

Dear Regulus Black (I'll also just call you that, but you can call me Charlie),

No, Sirius hasn't arrived... yet. I'll let you know when/if he does. Of course, I won't tell anyone, if you don't want to! You wrote that you lived in a horrible place with horrible people. Know that you can come to us, too! My parents would do anything to help people. Anything. Even if it meant kidnapping You-know-who himself! So, like I said, you're always welcome here! I'm sorry. I can't believe Sirius just left you there! Sometimes he can really be a dumb, selfish git!


PS: What is your middle name? I wondered, because you signed your letter R.A.B.

Charlie reread the letter again and then attached it to the owl's leg. She was quite shocked by what Regulus had written. Only just survived the punishments, the words echoed inside her head. Only just survived...only just survived. That sounded as if they were beaten up and hurted really badly. Although Charlie didn't have any problems imagining that, she was still shocked.

"So, dear, tell me... are there any boys in your life?", Euphemia asked her daughter at dinner. "Eww! Mum! Of course not!" "I'm just saying... at this age..." "Ugh, mum! You should ask James what's up with Lily Flower. By the way, Jamie, she hates that name!" "Whaaaaat? Lily flower? Is that how you call her? Pfffft, embarrassing!" James tried to rescue himself, but Euphemia clasped her hand over her mouth. "Holey Hufflepuff! Are you together now? I've been saying it for years; you like her!"
"What? No. I just- I don't even like her. Like that. I mean, I like her, but not that way."  The doorbell rang, making James shoot up. "I'll get the door!", he shouted, but Charlie blocked his way by throwing her glass at him. It missed him by a few inches and shattered on the floor. "I'll get the door, Jamie." "I totally agree with your sister there, James, but Charlie. We've been through this! Don't throw your glass at people, just because we can Reparo it again!" "Yeah, sure, Mum!" Charlie rolled her eyes and went to get the door.

A/N: Heyyy, so I think I haven't updated in like a week, or so? Sorry about that, but - and I know that's a sloppy excuse, since the chapters are already written - I didn't have the time. It's the time of exams in our school system and thus I was studying a lot.

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