XIVX. Girl's night

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"Amato Animo Animato Animagus." Nothing happened. Charlie wondered how long it would take for the second heartbeat to start. She sighed and went to bed, although it was hard to fall asleep, since Katie was reading and the light from her wand could be seen through her blanket. "Katie! Just turn out the light, alright? Hey, that rhymes!" "But I can't stop here! The main character's about to die and I have the feeling he will be rescued by his best friend, who is actually a traitor, because he went over to the dark side and I think that now he will show remorse, so he-" "KA-TIE!", Abigail yells. "Yes, it's past our bedtime anyway!", Gina adds. "Oh come on! Mia, say something!", Katie demanded "I don't know Katie, I can't sleep either...", her best friend said. "Tomorrow's a Saturday, for Merlin's sake, it's not like you have to wake up early! Not like you have to wake up, at all!" "She has a point.", Gina decided. 

"Oooh! I know! GIRLS NIGHT!!!", Mia cried, excited. "Girls night?", the other replied sceptically."Yes, have you never done that before?! It's a must! We stay up all night and eat candy and talk and play games and use only Lumos to light, but not Lumos Maxima and only one wand and-", Mia explained."We know what girls night means, Mia", Katie laughed."Soooooo? What do you think?"

 "Why not?", Katie responded. "I'm in!", came Abigail's immediated answer. Charlie nodded and Gina shrugged: "S 'pose so." "Yay!", Mia squealed and continued: "Let's start with crushes: Who wants to go first?" Abigail immediately responded: "Dominic, the Gryffindor Quidditch player." "He's three years older than you, Abbie", Gina commented. "So? It's just a crush." 

"Okay, well I think he's hot, but not as hot as Sirius Black, swinging his bat and winking at the ladies", Katie said. "When we're already talking about Quidditch: My fav player is definitely James", Mia said, making Charlie gag. "This is weird. Like super weird. You fangirling over my brother, I mean." The other girls laughed but then Gina asked: "Marauder crush?" "James Potter", Mia shot back. "Noooo, Siri all the way!", Katie whisper-yelled, clutching her heart dramatically. "I personally like Peter best", Abigail said, earning incredulous looks from the readers. "What? This is Peter we're talking about, not Pettigrew. Also the actor makes me wanna puke, while real Peter is cute." *Cricket chirping* "Who are you talking to Abbie? And what movie?", Katie frowned. "Oh, nothing, sorry." "Well, I like Remus best", Gina commented, "Charlie?" "James, of course." "Except for your brother", Abbie threw in. "Whyyyy?" "Because he's your brother." "That's not an explanation, but, umm, Remmy or Pete? Uhh, Remus." So, the only person you don't like is Sirius?" "What? NO! I just like Remus and Peter more!" They talked a bit about Quidditch and played Truth or Dare and a guessing game.

"Umm, okay, I have somebody", Charlie carefully said. "He or she?", Mia asked. "He." "Are you related by blood?", Katie wanted to know. "Nope." "Umm, is he in Gryffindor?" "No, Gina, he isn't." "Ravenclaw?" "No." "Hufflepuff?" "U-uh" "So a snake?" "Exactly." "Umm, does Lily know him?", Abbie asked. "I'm not sure, but I think so." "So, it isn't Snape." "No." "Well, is he on the Quidditch Team?", Gina asked, to which Charlie nodded. "Is he a Chaser?" "No." "Keeper?" Charlie shook her head "Not much possibilities left, huh?" "Is he a Seeker?" "Yup." "It's Regulus Black", Katie stated. "Yay! Katie wins", Charlie exclaimed. "Why him though?", Mia asked. "Random Person that popped into my head. I thought you wouldn't guess him that quickly. Your turn, Gina." "Yes, I already have one." "He or she?", Charlie asked. "She."

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