XI. Sorry, I dropped it.

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"Where is James?" "He said something about the library..." "Lily, dear. That. Is. Not. Possible. That's my brother we're talking about! He's not really bookish..." Lily shrugged: "He, Sirius, Peter and Remus said, they were going to the library." "Hmm, must have been Remus, who forced them... I'll go check on them." Charlie left, but they weren't in the library and nobody had seen them. At first, Charlie thought they were up to something and watched Filch closely, but there was no explosion. As they weren't back in the common room at bedtime, she grew worried. That night, Charlie slept in the common room. Round six am, three figures entered the room, as quiet as they could be, but Charlie still woke up immediately.

"Where were you?!", she cried angrily. James stared at her: "Charlie? What are you doing here?" "Me? I'm sitting in my common room, but you? WHERE were you this night?!" "I-in the owlery..." "What were you doing there?" "Waiting for my mother's letter. She's sick and I wanted to know how she's doing.", Peter replied. "Oh. Well, how is she?", Charlie asked rather sheepishly. "Better. Not fully healed, but better." "Oh, good.", Charlie went back to her dormitory, feeling rather foolish. "Close one. Your sister is causing more problems, than thought, Prongs!", Sirius sighed. "Hey, it isn't her fault!" "Umm, James, what isn't her fault?" "Nothing, I just wanted to let you know that." "Right... James you're being a bit overprotective." "Me? I'm not overprotective! You are! Stop being so overprotective!!!" Sirius and Peter looked at him confused. "Well, let's go get some sleep." 

Charlie went down to the Quidditch pitch through the rain. Stupid James! Stupid weather! Stupid training! James didn't seem too happy about it either. Everyone complained, but James was strict when it came to Quidditch. "Come on, we have to beat Ravenclaw in the next match! Losing won't be an option! It would cost us valuable points, giving Hufflepuff a chance to win the cup! Their team is very strong this year!" "Not stronger than ours!" "Depends on our practice, Justin, so get a move on!" Charlie was careful to block every Quaffle James send, often "unintentionally" not being able to catch it, but only slam it back with her fingertips, sometimes hitting James. James knew of course, how "unintentionally" that was, so after a while he let his sister go fetch the Quaffle he "unintentional" sent flying behind the hoops. "Sorry, I dropped it, sis!" "You threw it!" "I did not, I dropped it. Now, go and fetch it, please." "But you dropped it!!!" "Yes, and you're right, that I should go and fetch it myself, but I'm the Quidditch captain and I have to supervise the training. So, sorry, sis!" Of course, everyone sensed, that something was off between the two, making them uncomfortable. So, all the players were glad, when the training finally came to an end.

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