XLI. Why dress up though?

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"Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!" James and Sirius danced through the common room, waiting for Remus and Peter. Charlie rolled her eyes at them and continued reading her book, but Sirius swiped it elegantly and laid it away. "Hey! Give that back!" "I will, but first tell me as what you're going for the feast today?" "I'm not dressing up, give me the book!" Sirius and James gasped and James told her: "What?! But you have to! Ask your roommates, it's always more fun in a group! Plus, it's a requirement, didn't you know?" "Yeah, and a pretty good thing it is!", Sirius added.

"What?! Okay, okay, I'll talk to them! Umm, what are you guys going as?" James and Sirius smiled proudly before yelling in perfect sync: "The Beatles!!! Peter is Ringo, Remus is going as George, and I'm-" James yelled "John", while Sirius yelled "Paul".

"Okay, but what am I going to go as? You know what-I'll just dress up as a Slytherin student! That's gonna be fun! I already know where to get the robes..." "Where?" "I can't tell you." Charlie smiled, thinking of a certain Slytherin student who could lend her his robes.


"Hey Reg! Wait up!" Regulus turned around. "Charlie? What are you doing?" "Hey, look, I want to dress up as a Slytherin for Halloween, and I thought maybe you could lend me one of your robes?"

 Regulus stared at her, as if she were an alien, so she added: "To dress up as a snake." "They're going to be much too big." "Is that a yes?" "Yes, but I get yours." Charlie beamed at him: "They're going to be much to small." Regulus shrugged: "There are spells, you know." He loosened Charlie's tie and fastened his green one instead. "There you go, you look great! Are you sure you're in the right house?"

Charlie giggled and got out of her cloak, to put Regulus' on, of which half was hanging on the floor. Regulus laughed and muttered something, making it shrink a bit. He put on Charlie's cloak and tie and posed cockily: "How do I look?" "You look ridiculous!" Charlie's cloak went to his knees and it almost looked like a dress. 

Regulus smiled at Charlie and bewitched the cloak to a good size. "Thank you, Slytherin." Charlie faked a disgusted look: "What do you want, bloody Gryffindor with your mudblood friends?!" They both laughed. "You're a pathetic Slytherin. I take everything back. You do not belong in Slytherin." "Neither do you belong in Gryffindor. Red definitely does'nt suit you!"

Charlie hurried back to the Gryffindor common room, but the fat lady didn't react to her. Charlie huffed frustrated: "Hellooo, I want to come in! I know the password... Oh, come on, I'm a Gryffindor!" In the end, Charlie had to wait for another Gryffindor to come by, so she could enter the common room. When she did, everyone gave her strange looks, including the Marauders. "What? I told you I was going to dress up as a Slytherin!" 

"Yeah, but you... I dunno... where did you even get these robes?!", Sirius demanded, but Charlie just shrugged. "I'm not going to tell you. That's my little secret" She mysteriously said, thinking "No, our little secret" 

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