XXI. G.I.D.E.O.N. and Fabulous

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Charlie slowly sat up, careful not to make any noises. She grabbed the cloak and swung it over herself. As she headed out onto the Hogwarts grounds, she felt how excited she was. Oh, how she already missed being a wolf. After having experienced her wolf senses, she felt so, so blind, deaf and... unsmelling? Anyway, she really enjoyed being a wolf. It was still a bit hard for her to transform, but eventually the wolf appeared in her mind, she made eye contact immediately, not being able to wait anymore. Her vision "turned and shook" again, making her a bit dizzy, but not for long. Charlie jumped around, tested her speed and enjoyed her wolf senses. The double heartbeat made her feel so... enlightened and carefree. Was this how Minnie and Healer Michelle felt, when transforming? In that case she could absolutely understand why Minnie supervised her students in cat form so often. After what felt like ten minutes, but had actually been two hours (Charlie had been smart enough to bring her wrist watch, which was now lying next to a tree, on top of the cloak.) Charlie now looked her human self in the eyes and felt the familiar tickling sensation and was human again.

Charlie slipped out of under the cloak, as soon as she entered the common room."Why, hello there!", two voices greeted her, making her jump. "Now, now, no need to be scared of us." Charlie turned around to look at two red heads, twins. "We're Gideon, G.I.D.E.O.N., stands for Great Intelligent Daring Entertaing Original Nightmare!""And Fab, short for Fabulous." "But... you can call us Gideon-" "-and Fabian." Charlie squinted: "You're the Prewett twins, right? Hm...", she turned to leave but was stopped by the twins who each grabbed one of her arms. "Nah-Nah-Nah! You're-""-not going-"
"-anywhere!" "We have a few-" "-questions for you.""First of all: Is that all to us? The Prewett twins? What do you think, Fabby?" "No, Giddy, we are also excellent pranksters!" "And then second: Why-" "-do you always-" "-sneak out?" "None of your buisness!", Charlie snapped. "Oh, but it IS our buisness-" "-because we've been looking for-"
"-an apprentice, since like forever!" "And then you come along-" "-and sneak out a lot-" "-unnoticed-" "-except by us, of course!" "Since your brother-" "-is a talented-" "-prankster-" "-you are very promising." "And, you have access to-" "-an invisibility cloak-" "which is a real bonus." "Sooooooo?", they both looked at Charlie expectandly. "No." "NOOOO?!", they repeated shocked. "No." "Are you sure?", Fabian asked hopefully. "Why do you want an apprentice anyway?" "To pass on are knowledge. When we've graduated, then who's going to prank everyone?" Charlie laughed: "And what's in it for me?" "First, you will never ever ever be pranked by us and-" "-second, you learn something!", Fabian scolds. Charlie thought about the pranks her brother always pulled off on her. Odd, she had never even thought about pranking him back. That would be interesting."I'm in. Now, will you please let me go get some sleep?!"

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