XXXV. Werewolves of London

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"Okay, so we're five children and two adults, no wait, apparently in the muggle world your off age at twelve!", Euphemia frowned, "Okay so I have to pay 10.85 pounds. What are pounds again? Fleamont did you bring the muggle-dictionary?"

"Uh, yes, it should be in the bag, wait a second! Oh, here! P, P, P... Pollen: what muggles call fairy dust to which some muggles react... yeah, we don't need that, Pollen, Pounds: muggle currency in the UK, it is recommended to pretend being tourists from somewhere else and ask muggles for help."
"Oh, that's a good piece of advice! Umm, excusez-moi, sirrrr, you-'elp- us- payment, s'il-vous-plaît?", Sirius asked a man passing by. "Ah, vous êtes français? Je vois, moi aussi! Mais j'habite déjà à Londres depuis longtemps! Bon, alors vous avez des difficultés avec l'argent d'ici? Pas de problème, je peux vous aider!"
Charlie stiffled a laugh at the face Sirius now made. He quickly tried to save the situation: "Umm, yes, oui, oui, vee are français,  but, umm, vee are 'ere to learn more english, so please repeet en anglais, zat vould be very nice!"
"Ah, oui, well, as I said I already live in London for a long time! I hope you can tell by me having a decent British accent! BAHAHAHAHA! Sorry, little joke!" Charlie couldn't see what was so funny, but chuckled politely, "yes, zat is very funny!"
"Well, you have to pay with this bill and... uh, this coin, don't you have another silver coin?" "Yes, 'ere." "Well that too and you have paid your tickets!"
"Oh, thank-zank you!", Euphemia smiled at the man who took of his hat and hurried away, "Phew, Sirius, dear, couldn't you have pretended to be American or something?"
"Oh, well, in you get, quick, quick! Oh, no, wait! James, you didn't give Remus muggle-clothes! Here, let me change that, Remus."
Euphemia waved her wand and the word "quidditch" transformed into "soccer" "Right and the word "Quidditch" will blow our cover more then using magic in a bus.", James looked at his mother accusingly.
"Sorry, Jamie! Oh, there's the ticket-control-man!"
"So where's the leaking cauldron?", Charlie asked her mother after climbing out of the bus.  "Up the street, darling!", Fleamont replied for Euphemia and motioned ahead. "Hey, guys, wait!", Sirius stopped, "Can you hear that? The song from that café? It's a very cool muggle hit.
You'll love it, Moony!" They all listened and caught a few lines: "Lately he's been overheard in Mayfair, You better stay away from him!" "Wait, wait, now it comes!", Sirius told them and then sang along: "Ah-hooo, werewolves of London!"
He grinned at Remus expectandly. James and Charlie joined in: "Ah-hooo, werewolves of London! Ah-hooo! Aww, come on, Moony!" "No. Come on, we need to go to Diagon Alley!"
"But Moony! "Werewolves of London"* is my favourite muggle hit! Come on, sing with us!", Sirius urged him.
"No!", Remus pushed open the door to the Leaky cauldron. "Werewolves of London again!" They sang at the top of their voice making Remus facepalm.

*Werewolves of London by Warren Zevon


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