II. St Mungo's

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"We zink your daughter might 'ave been poisoned. Do you 'ave any idea by 'oom or 'ow, Mrs. Potter?", Healer Michelle asked kindly. Euphemia sobbed and told her: "No, but well... us being Aurors... maybe the poison was meant for Fleamont and me?" Healer Michelle nodded and Euphemia tightened her grip on Charlie's hand, who had been given a draught less sleeping potion. The Healer placed a hand on Euphemia's shoulder. "I know you don't vant to 'ear zis, Mrs. Potter, but we're going to be 'onest with you. Ze survival chances of your daughter lie by seventeen percent, which isn't much. It is not much at all." Charlie's mother broke into fresh tears and sobs.

Charlie woke up. She was feeling ho-rib-ble. She was lying in a white bed in a plain white room. Was this St Mungo's? It must be. Charlie sat up and tried to remember, for a second, it felt like she couldn't remember anything at all. Then it all came crashing back down on her.

She had been negotiating with her father about her bedtime, because, like every other six-year-old in the world, Charlie had her own idea of when she was going to sleep. When Fleamont hadn't given in, she had thrown a tantrum, which only resulted into her dad getting cross. "Okay, but I'm thirsty", she had claimed, obviously just playing on time. Still, Fleamont had let her. She made a big drama of looking for her glass, until Euphemia had hastily given her daughter her own glass. Soon after, Charlie had broken down in the bathroom while brushing her teeth and had started throwing up. It was gross.

"She's awake! Somebody get her parents!", a healer cried out. Only a few moments later, Euphemia and Fleamont rushed in. "Charlie! Oh thank merlin, you're ali- awake. You – you were ... coughing up all that bl-blood and... oh it was horrible!", her mother sobbed. Fleamont rubbed soothing circles on his wife' back and asked: "How are you feeling, cake-pop?" "Bad. Where's James?", Charlie asked, already knowing the answer. "Oh. Well, he's already at Hogwarts, the healers had you sleeping for two days...", Euphemia explained. "That's so not-fair! I didn't wave him good-bye and I- I didn't run after the train and" Charlie's eyes filled themselves with tears and she sniffled: "In which house is he?" "Why Gryffindor, of course! He also made three friends already, Peter Pettigrew, Remus something and", Fleamont's expression darkened, "Sirius Black." He spit out that last name, as if it were poison. "Fleamont! James says Sirius is okay, and I trust James's judgement." "Yes, of course, honey, I suppose I can give him a chance..." "Bo-ring!", Charlie interrupted, "Can we go home now?" "Oh, umm, about that... you'll have to stay here for a little while.", her Dad explained.

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