V. Today's the day!

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Charlie woke up and instantly knew, today was the day, She hadn't had an attack this night, meaning this was her sixty-first day not having an one. Two months. She would be released today. "Healer Michelle! I'm fine! Healer Michelle!" The young Healer came in, smiling: "Yes, I'm going to message your parents now. You can also go to 'Ogwarts for your second year now." "I know! I know! This is so exciting!"

"Charlie!", Euphemia ran in and hugged her daughter. "Let the girl breathe, Mia!", Fleamont told her, entering. "Time to go home now, Charlie. Remember home? Big, lots of pictures and posters, great garden!" "Da-ad. Of course I remember!", Charlie rolled her eyes, she was so, so happy to go back home. "My room! I missed it! Wow, these photos are OLD! I'm what? Five?" Charlies' parents grinned: "Well, you haven't been here in a long time!" "Yep. I'm going out into the garden now. Oh, and when is James coming back from Hogwarts?" "The day after tomorrow, I think." "Cool."

Charlie tapped into the kitchen, where her brother James already sat."Hey, Messy Hair" "Hey James" "I made breakfast, Charlie." "Seriously, I thought you knew to leave the cooking to mum!", Charlie answered glancing at him. "Blimely! The bacon's not so bad!" "Where is the bacon?" "On the table, dummy." "You're the dummy!" "Me? I'm innocent! I just make bacon!" "Exactly! You are a dummy and make bacon for me, future head girl, quidditch captain and minister of magic!" "You seem to have big dreams, smarty!" "They're not dreams, they're plans. And I usually stick with the plan." "Would've been a nice sassy response, if you did stick to the plan." "I do stick to the plans, but not to those that are rubbish, meaning I stick to my plans, James!" Euphemia came in, smiling. "Are you saying my plans aren't good?" "...and mums plans.", Charlie quickly added, grinning. "Did Sirius answer yet to the invitation, Jamie?", their mother asked. James frowned. "No, he hasn't. I'm quite worried for him, it's not like Sirius..." "And Remus?""Yeah, he says he could come for a week or so, but Peter can't come." "Oh, did you tell him that we're truly sorry, and maybe next year?" "Yes, mum." "Good, but maybe me and dad will send a letter right to Walburga and Orion!" "I hate Sirius' parents!", Charlie told her mother. "What about Regulus?", James asked. Charlie shrugged: "Uhh, he seems alright, I suppose. Bit unlucky, isn't he?" "No, he's not! You don't even know him!" "Neither do you!" "I know him well enough to tell you he's a...", with a side glance to his mother, who hated cussing, he stopped himself. "He's not a good brother to Sirius." "So? Regulus can still NOT be evil!""Regulus is a Slytherin!" "So what? If I'm in Slytherin, will you hate me to?" "You won't be." "But-but what if I am? What if I'm a-a Slytherin?" "Then I'll disown you, Charlotte.", Fleamont told his daughter, while kissing her on the cheek. "Fleamont!", Euphemia hissed. "I was joking, Honey!" "You better be." "But Dad! What if I really am?" "Then I still might – I mean certainly won't disown you. And besides, why would you be in Slytherin, when you're so brave and a lot cooler than those Slyth-" "Fleamont!" "Point is, you're gonna be in Gryffindor, and if not, then we'll still love you." And after a second he added: "Although you'll be a lot less cool!" "Fleamont, that's enough!" "Sorry, dear!" Charlie smiled; she loved her father.

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