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Sooo, to all who come from HPFF, I'm Metamorphagus (my username back there) and I still can't believe they shut the site down...

Anyways, I did what so many other authors from that platform did, I loaded my story on Wattpad. Only that I did so about four months later. That is because I reread my story and realized it needed a MAJOR EDIT. Especially around the first few chapters. To anyone who has read my story (or the first 53 chapters) before on HPFF, I recommend reading it again from the beginning, since I will change some things. From Minor to a bit bigger things. Of course, the plotline will be exactly the same.

Now, the questions you're certainly (or not) asking youselves, is When do I update? Well, my dear readers, you're in luck, because I will update every day (at the beginning, tho I'll make sure to tell you when my schedule changes). Also, the first (fifty) chapters are really short, so I'll update two at a time, until they get longer. Starting... NOW!

AH, no, wait, I'll also use this chapter for my Disclaimer. Here we go.


As much as I wish to, I don't own the Harry Potter books. They are written by a wonderful author called J.K. Rowling who, obviously, isn't me. So, I don't own all of the plot in this story, just my own added plot. Neither do I own the characters, only my OC's. Mainly Charlie of course, but there will also be a few other OC's.

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