The Leclerc Family

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I lugged my stroller behind me, hanging onto Charles's hand like it was my lifeline (which it probably was). I was three steps away from getting my first face-to-face glance of Charles' mother and his brother.

I stopped at the glass doors of the airport.

"I can't do this. I cannot do this, Charles."

"Of course you can!"

"Of course I can't. What if I screw up? What if I make a bad impression on them? What if they don't like me?"

"Kim, come on. You've just won a championship. You've survived a crash, you banished that moron Dexter, you've put up with all my crap, you've faced a fear that would have most people tumbling off the bridge, and you've done it all in style. If you make a bad impression on them, they have unreal expectations. And I know my family. They'll love you. Please, trust me on this."

I paused.

"Okay." I mumbled.

Charles' face lit up.

"Come on, then." He said, grabbing my hand gently. "I'll be right here, next to you. Just like our first dance, remember? I was there, wasn't I?"

I smiled, remembering the gala.

I took a deep breath, suddenly reassured.

"Okay, then." I decided. "Let's do this."

I tightened my grip of Charles' hand and we walked out of the airport.

He led me business-like past the barriers that held the visitors, to a trio of people standing to the side with a poster that said 'Eclair'.

"Kim!" Arthur exclaimed as he ran towards me, arms outstretched for a hug.

I let go of Charles' hand and wrapped my arms around Arthur.

"Hey, there!"

"I missed you! Also, congratulations on your championship. That was so cool!"

I pulled away, grinning.

"I missed you too, buddy. And, thank you."

Charles laughed.

"I'm truly wounded. In the span of three seconds, both my brother and girlfriend have forgotten about me."

Arthur frowned.

"You've had Kim to yourself since Dubai! Actually, no. You're dating her! She's like your's permanently. Until she breaks up with you." He turned to me. "You won't do that, right? I've always wanted a sister!"

Charles smacked him on the head.

"Behave, Arthur!"

Arthur stuck his tongue out at Charles, earning an eye-roll from my boyfriend.

I laughed at their exchange.

"Come on, you have to meet mum!"

Charles took my hand again, and pulled me towards his mum, who greeted me with a welcoming smile.

"Hi. My name is Pascale. I'm Charles' mother. You must be... Kim?"

I nodded.

She smiled wider.

"I've been looking forward to meeting the girl who's been keeping my son on his toes."

She smirked at me.

I blushed.

"Did you forget how to talk?" Arthur asked me.

Then, Lorenzo made his appearance.

"You're nervous, aren't you?"

I looked down, there was no point in denying it.

"Yeah, kinda."

Lorenzo laughed.

"We don't bite! I'm sure Charles told you that."

"Oh, he did. He told me a lot of stuff to calm me down."

"Calm you down?" Pascale asked.

I felt myself turn red.

"She nearly had a panic attack." Charles said, looking slightly concerned.

Pascale's eyes widened.

"You... Are you okay now?"

I smiled nervously.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

Pascale suddenly moved forward and hugged me.

"Aww, sweetie! There was absolutely no need to be worried! I trust Charles' taste, dear. Which means, I already like you. And hearing that you were nervous... Oh, sweetie!"

Pascale let go off me.

"I'm so excited to have another girl in family!" She clapped her hands. "Come on! Let's go. I'm going to get you settled in, and comfy!"

"Hi, mum. I'm feeling the love here."

"Good. Now let's go!" Pascale grabbed my suitcase from me and pulled it behind her, not even giving me a chance to help.

Charles grinned behind her, and Lorenzo and Arthur who were following her, before leaning in close to me.

"You know," he whispered. "I'm starting to think bringing you here was a bad idea. They like you more than they like me. And they've only just met you!" He bit my ear.

I squealed.

"I heard that, Charles! Deal with it." Pascale told him.

I smirked at him and caught up with Pascale, still feeling his eyes on me.

The Leclerc family was awesome, and now I knew why Charles was the way he was.

Soooooo... A two day wait. Sorry guys.⊙﹏⊙

We're closer than ever to the end of the book, so stay tuned, and enjoy the rest your weekend. Have fun you guys.


Mechanic To Master (An F1 Fanfic) {Under Re-writing}Where stories live. Discover now